FAQ - Graduating Seniors

FAQ - Graduating Seniors

Congratulations! You’re about to become a Valpo alum!

Information Technology offers you this helpful information about what will happen to your computing accounts as you graduate.

The Following Information is for Current Grads

Password Maintenance

You'll continue to have access to manage your password via the Account Management System so you can maintain alumni access to DataVU, Gmail@Valpo, and Handshake. 

Google Accounts

While you can keep your Valpo Google account after graduation, you will be limited to 1GB of storage after the next drop/add period. This means all photos, emails and and Google Drive data must be under 1GB at that time or you will be locked out of your account and your data may be deleted. If you have data beyond 1GB, we ask that you download those files to a new location. For assistance on how to complete this process, please visit this page for assistance. If you want to forward your @valpo.edu email address to another account, instructions are available through a Google search or by contacting the IT Help Desk. If you manage any shared accounts or Google groups, be sure to designate someone else to take over.

DataVU Access

You'll keep access to your academic and financial records in DataVU until the fall semester drop/add period ends. 

Need income tax forms (such as W-2's)? Contact Human Resource Services (219.464.5214 or human.resources@valpo.edu) to request them.

Blackboard Learn

You'll have access to Blackboard Learn until the fall semester drop/add period* ends. After that date, your access will be disabled and any classes and files will become permanently inaccessible.

Network Account

Upload files from folders on any network drives (H: or S:) to your Google Drive, save them onto a CD or a USB flash drive from a lab computer on campus, or download files to a personal computer. All access and files will be removed after the fall semester drop/add period* ends.

Library Databases

You'll have access to library databases until the fall semester drop/add period* ends.


Still need help?

For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.

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