Accepting Library School Interns or Volunteers

Accepting Library School Interns or Volunteers

Guidelines for Accepting Library School Interns or Volunteers

Any member or group of the Library faculty may accept an intern or a volunteer if the guidelines below are followed. (In these guidelines, the pronoun “you” applies to either individuals or groups.)

1.You have sufficient work for the intern or volunteer to do for the entire length of internship or volunteer period.

2.You have sufficient time to devote to training the intern or volunteer.

3.For internships, you have reviewed your responsibilities with the faculty of the library school from which the intern will receive credit, and you agree to follow their requirements.

4.You have the approval of the Dean to take on the volunteer or intern. If this is to be a paid internship, the dean must approve both the salary and the time frame for the work.

5.You have reviewed the applicant’s resume, interviewed them, discussed their qualifications with their references, and you believe they are capable of doing the work.

6.You and the applicant have discussed and agreed upon the terms established by the library school, along with any additional terms you have established regarding the work they are to do here. Additional terms should be put in writing and signed by all.

7.When an internship involves participation with a group, the group has determined the primary faculty supervisor.

Key Procedures

Specific procedures may vary depending on who initially receives the applicant’s inquiry and the various library schools. However, the following procedures are to be followed in all cases.

1.If you are approached by an applicant regarding an internship or volunteer experience, respond immediately that their application will be considered. Give them a date by which they can expect a follow-up communication.

2.If you are not the best person to consider the application, forward it to the library faculty member who is, along with the contact and supporting documentation and the date by which the applicant expects a follow-up. Determine who will provide the follow-up communication.

3.If the application is passed on to you to consider, make sure you respond to the applicant within the time frame, even if the decision is still pending.

4.For internships, make sure you understand what the library school expects of you and the time commitment before seeking approval from the Dean.

5.Seek approval of the Dean to take on the intern or volunteer prior to interviewing the applicant in person.

6.At the end of the internship or the academic year, report the total number of donated hours to the Associate Dean of Library Services for annual reporting to the Business Office.

Correspondence for Volunteer, Internship, and Practicum Opportunities:

Positions appropriate for volunteer work are occasionally available at the Christopher Center. If you are interested in such a position, please submit your cover letter and resume (via email) to Library Administration (Detra.Becker@valpo.edu). You will then be notified whether or not an opportunity exists in your area of interest.

If you are looking for an internship or practicum opportunity, please follow the procedures of your graduate program. The Christopher Center has a good history of providing these types of opportunities to graduate students in library and information science.

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