Emergency Safety Manual

Emergency Safety Manual

Christopher Center
for Library & Information Resources (CCLIR)

Emergency/Safety Manual

Revised May 2018 with Interim Dean information

Table of Contents

Emergency Telephone/Notification……………….……………....……...…3

PA Integration…………………………………....………...………………..4

Purpose and Review…………………………….…………..……………….5

Reporting Emergencies and Documenting…..………………..……………..6

Early Warning System

Tornado emergencies…………………………………….…………………7
“Shelter-in-Building”and Building Evacuation…………….………………8
CCLIR Evacuation maps

Bomb Threat……………………………………………………….………..9

Major and Minor Medical Situations…………………………….……..10-11

Maintaining the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) and First Aid Kits…………………………………………………………………………11

Troubled Patrons……………………………………………………….…..12

Major Utility Failure……………………………………………………….13

Additional Information and Procedures……………………………………13

Emergency Telephone Numbers

University Police (VUPD) – Emergency 911*

VUPD – Non-emergency 5430

CCLIR Circulation Desk 7350**

Facilities Management 6864

Trisha Mileham – Interim Dean of Library Services 5099/5693
Cell phone 219.840.1663

Rick AmRhein (IT rep) 5777

Cell phone 219.263.8342

CCLIR Admin Office 5364

  • Connects to VUPD dispatcher, and simultaneously connects to the Porter County emergency dispatcher. This allows the Porter County dispatcher to immediately dispatch an ambulance or fire truck if needed.

Emergency Notification

Emergency Telephone Tree
In consideration that options have increased for official university communication regarding University alerts and news, we revised our former CCLS emergency notification process. As of February 20, 2015, there will be NO additional notification from the employee’s CCLS supervisor. Student workers will need to follow the same procedure with their supervisors. If there are questions that cannot be determine otherwise, the employee needs to contact his or her supervisor; if the supervisor is unavailable, the employee needs to work his or her way up the administrative line.

In addition to the official emails from University Administration, all employees should consider subscribing to University Alerts (employee may then choose preferred notification format). Review the campus alerts’ page for options: www.valpo.edu/campus-alerts/

The IT emergency notification documentation is at: S:\IT\TEAM\911 Manual-Incident Forms

PA Integration
The University has an Emergency Notification System. While the official form of University communication is via e-mail, it is also integrated in other systems. The CCLIR PA system is one example of an existing system.


The emergency/safety procedures provide general guidelines for coping with emergencies along with specific action steps to be taken. In serious situations, these procedures are to be used in conjunction with the VU Campus Emergency Resource Information Guide.


Library Administration will assign selected staff to review the CCLIR Emergency/Safety Plan annually and provide updates based on changes in University procedures and/or past experiences. Any revisions will be updated on the wiki.

The entire CCLIR staff will review the document annually at an All Building Meeting as a training exercise.

Latest revision: October 2017; reviewed by: Donna Resetar, Circulation Managers Sam Simpson, Shannon Howe, Tim Blewett, and Sidney Findley

Latest All Staff training: tbd

Reporting Emergencies


• Dial 911 for ALL life-threatening situations or serious situations.
1. This will automatically alert VUPD, the Valparaiso Police Department, the Valparaiso Fire Department, and the Ambulance.
2. Remain calm during the conversation. Describe the situation (i.e. there is a fire in the CCLIR, a person needs medical attention, there is a disruptive person in the building). Give them your location and answer any additional questions.
• Notify the CCLIR Circulation Desk (7350) so they may direct emergency responders to your site, or make any necessary Public Announcements (PA System).
• If the incident happens during normal business hours, notify the CCLIR Administrative Office (5364).


AFTER the emergency/safety incident, complete an incident report. This information is critical for any insurance needs, workman’s compensation claims, and most importantly, planning to prevent future safety issues.

• Incident Report
1. For medical situations or thefts, use the form with that heading. For all other situations, use the generic form. This allows forms to be filed by category. For Library Services, the report forms are stored at: S:\CCLS\Forms\Incident Report Forms. For IT staff the forms are stored at: S:\IT\TEAM\’Incident Report Forms-CCLIR IT staff’
Other departments need to obtain the form from CCLIR Administrative Office or Circulation.
2. If possible, complete the form electronically. If not, use the scanner at the circulation desk to scan the handwritten report as a PDF document.
3. E-mail the completed form as an attachment to the Dean of Library Services, the Associate Dean of Library Services, the Administrative Assistant, CCLIR Circulation Desk (moecirc@valpo.edu), IT Help Desk Manager, and your immediate supervisor.
4. Save your e-mail copy for yourself.
5. Completed Incident Report forms will be retained electronically for five years. The CCLIR Circulation Desk and Library Administrative Office file hard copies of the reports.

Early Warning System—What to do when you hear it sound.

When the siren sounds: SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY!! (Note: the siren is tested at 11 am on the first Tuesday of the month.)

The external early warning siren will sound continuously for three (3) minutes followed by one (1) minute of silence and repeated as needed. It signals a confirmed report of a LIFE THREATENING situation. It may be a weather related emergency, a chemical spill, or any other situation that threatens lives or property. The siren is connected to the Porter County Emergency Management Program. University staff must take this signal seriously. However, we cannot require anyone beyond our immediate supervisees to stay in the building if they want to leave.

The siren does not sound an “all clear”. To obtain “all clear” information call the campus information line x7977, or tune into WLJE (105.5 FM) or WAKE (1500 AM) on a radio.

Tornado emergencies:

1. Seek shelter in the lowest level of the building. Interior hallways or rooms are preferable, AWAY FROM WINDOWS.
a. CCLIR Floor One areas:
• Inside loading dock area
• Northwest corner of technology alcove
• Copy machine room
• Restrooms
b. CCLIR Second Floor areas:
• Microfilm viewing room
• Classroom 261A
• ASRS sorting area
• Restrooms
• Classroom 205
2. Once the tornado passes, evaluate the situation and determine if emergency aid is necessary. If needed, contact VUPD at 911 and the CCLIR Circulation Desk.
3. Be aware at all times of dangerous structural conditions around you.
4. If the building has been damaged, evacuate: (Damaged facilities should be reported to VUPD. NOTE: Gas leaks and power failures create special hazards. Please refer to the section on utility failure.)
a. Assist people with disabilities in exiting the building. Do not use elevators if fire has erupted.
b. Move outside to a clear area away from the affected building.
c. Do not return to an evacuated building unless directed to do so by VUPD or their designee.

Other “Shelter-in-Building” Emergencies

This procedure covers situations where staying inside is necessary, but the tornado protocol may not be appropriate, such as snow emergencies, or when there is external
threat from people who are rioting or violently protesting, or when a confrontation may precipitate violence.

1. Remain calm.
2. Follow instructions for reporting emergencies. Call 911 and notify the CCLIR Circulation Desk (ext 7350).
3. Follow the University guidelines for the appropriate situation. These guidelines can be located in the copy rooms on every floor and at the CCLIR Circulation Desk (in the hallway across from the time clock).
4. Use judgment in determining the best course of action. If you are unsure of the best course of action, call VUPD (5430), the Dean of Library Services (ext 5099/5364), Associate Dean of Library Services (ext 6183), or your immediate supervisor for advice.
5. Alert library staff and users of the need to stay inside.
6. Remove people from the terrace during the emergency.
7. Consider moving staff and patrons to another part of the building if certain areas of the building are considered unsafe.

IMPORTANT: When closing the building early because of a snow emergency, keep the doors to the Community Room unlocked to provide a safe haven for people who may be stranded.

Building Evacuation

If the emergency requires the building be evacuated, direct the patrons away from the building. Do so even if the evacuation is a test. Staff and patrons who wish to reenter the building after the emergency should gather in areas according to the avenue of egress, as follow:

• Exit area: Staff Lounge/Entrance, Loading Dock, south stair emergency door. Gather in Lot 20. If there is inclement weather, please direct the group towards Mueller Hall while staying out of the way of emergency personnel and affected buildings.
• Exit area: 1st floor door east side. Gather at the Chapel.
• Exit area: 2nd floor door north side. Gather at the Union.
• Exit area: West door through the Arts & Sciences Building. Gather in Lot 15.
See the following CCLIR Evacuation maps:
Bomb Threat
1. If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus, DO NOT HANDLE THE OBJECT! Clear the area and immediately call VUPD at 911. Refer to steps 6 through 11 below for further instructions.
2. Any person receiving a phone call that a bomb or other explosive device has been placed on campus is to ask the caller:
a. When is the bomb going to explode?
b. Where is the bomb located?
c. What kind of bomb is it?
d. What does it look like?
e. Why did you place the bomb?
3. Keep talking to the caller as long as possible and record the following:
a. Time of call
b. Age and sex of caller
c. Speech pattern, accent
d. Background noise
4. Immediately notify VUPD by dialing 911 and supply them with the information outlined above.
5. VUPD will conduct a detailed bomb search. Employees are requested to make a cursory inspection of their area for suspicious objects and to report the location to VUPD. DO NOT TOUCH THE OBJECT!
6. If necessary or if directed to do so by VUPD or the building contact person, activate the building fire alarm. CAUTION: THE BUILDING FIRE ALARMS RING ONLY IN THE BUILDING. In addition, you must call VUPD or the building contact person.
7. When the building fire alarms are sounded or when told to leave by VUPD or by the building contact person, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same.
9. Once outside, move to a clear area away from the affected building(s). Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
10. If requested, assist VUPD and/or the building contact person.
11. DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless directed to do so by VUPD or the building contact person.

Medical Situations
Major medical situations

1. VERY QUICKLY assess the situation. Remember DR
a. D stands for Danger - always be aware of danger and ensure you do not put yourself in danger when going to the assistance of another person.
b. R stands for Response - is the person conscious? Do they respond when you call out or gently shake them?
2. Follow instructions for reporting emergencies. Call 911 and notify the CCLIR Circulation Desk so they can direct emergency staff appropriately.
3. Contact a CCLIR staff person who has been trained in CPR:
a. Shannon Howe (5168)
b. Sam Simpson (5799)
c. Kathy Rhynard (6121)
d. Tim Blewett (5125)
e. Sidney Findley (5129)
4. While waiting for assistance, further assess the situation. Remember ABC
a. A stands for Airway - Clear the airway of any obstruction (for example, the tongue rolled back and blocking the airway, vomit or food) and keep it clear by placing the person on their side with their chin tilted back. This can be enough to save a person's life.
b. B stands for Breathing - Check to see if a person is breathing. Even if you are not trained in CPR you may perform Expired Air Resuscitation (EAR) or the Kiss of Life. In the case of choking, you may perform the Heimlich maneuver.
c. C stands for Circulation - Check for a pulse. Feel for the carotid pulse on the neck, below the jaw line next to the Adams Apple. Even if you are not trained in CPR, you may pump the chest or use the AED to save a life. The AED is kept in the main circulation desk area and will “talk” you through how to use it.

Minor medical situations

1. Assess the situation. If this situation is something you would normally deal with if it happened at home, it can be considered minor. When in doubt, treat it as major and call 911.
2. Treat the injury using materials from one of our first aid kits. First aid kits can be found in:
a. The CCLIR Circulation area
b. The Administrative Office storage closet.
3. Follow the procedures for reporting the incident. Even minor on-the-job injuries must be documented with an incident report. Include the following information:
• the name of the injured person and their occupation;
• the nature of the injury;
• a brief description of the treatment given and name of the person who gave the treatment;
• how the accident occurred and what the injured person was doing at the time the accident occurred;
• date, time and place of the accident.

Maintaining the AED

CCLIR Circulation staff:

1. Check AED battery every Monday morning.
2. Check the full functionality of the AED monthly.

Maintaining First Aid Kits

CCLIR Circulation staff and CCLIR Administrative Assistant:

1. Keep the First Aid kit in your area easily findable and available.
2. Check the First Aid kit in your area at the end of every semester. CCLIR is responsible for restocking supplies.
3. A basic first aid kit will contain:
• 1 packet of 50 individually wrapped adhesive dressings
• 4 sterile eye pads
• 4 sterile coverings for serious wounds
• 4 triangular bandages
• 12 safety pins
• 8 small sterile unmedicated wound dressings
• 4 medium sterile unmedicated wound dressings
• 4 large sterile unmedicated wound dressings
• 1 roll adhesive tape, 1.25cm wide (preferably micropore tape)
• 2 crepe bandages
• 2 elastic bandages
• 1 pair scissors
• 1 pair disposable gloves
• 1 resuscitation mask
• 1 pair tweezers
• First aid booklet

Troubled Patrons
Things to remember:
• Use safe, non-threatening postures or body language.
• Keep a safe distance from the troubled person.
• Avoid verbal or non-verbal power struggles.
• You may ask a student to present their ID.

Threatening patrons: (Patrons who are belligerent, argumentative, or threatening violence)
1. Call VUPD to handle the situation.
2. Notify CCLIR Circulation of the situation.
3. Complete an incident report as soon as possible after the situation has been handled.

Non-threatening troubled-patrons: (For example, patrons who are socializing excessively)
1. Use common sense.
2. Suggest that the patron move to an appropriate place in the library.
3. Allow sleeping students to continue unless their snoring is bothering those in the immediate vicinity.
General Guidelines:
1. Remain calm. Be receptive and non-judgmental.
2. Listen carefully to a patron’s questions or complaints.
3. Pause, breathe deeply, and think before responding.
4. Speak in a relaxed tone. Repeat the patron’s comments as concisely as possible.
5. If there is a justifiable need for an exception to the rules, and you have the authority, make one.
6. If an exception cannot be made, explain the policy clearly. Show a written copy of the policy.
7. Be pleasant, calm, and firm. DO NOT ARGUE! Stick to the issue.
8. When necessary, request assistance.
9. Never get drawn into a physical confrontation with a problem patron.

Major utility failure
1. In the event of a major utility failure (gas leak, electrical problem, etc.), immediately notify VUPD at 911. For failures during regular business hours, also call Facilities Management at (219) 464-6864.
2. If there is potential danger to people, buildings, and/or equipment, or if the utility failure occurs after hours, on weekends or on holidays, notify VUPD at 911.
4. Once outside, move to a clear area, away from the hazard and affected building. Keep walk and roadways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
5. DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless directed to do so by VUPD or the building contact person.
Always observe steps 1 and 2 above whenever the following utility emergencies arise:

Electrical/Light Failure
At present not all buildings are equipped with an emergency light system that will provide enough illumination in corridors and stairs for safe exiting. It is therefore, advisable for each campus department to have flashlights available.

Elevator Failure
If you are trapped in an elevator, use the emergency phone in the elevator to notify VUPD. If the elevator does not have an emergency phone, turn on the emergency alarm (located on the front panel) which will signal your need for help. If you find someone trapped in an elevator, call 911 and report it to VUPD. Elevator safety is governed by code and rescues are to be made by firefighters.

Plumbing Failure/Flooding
Cease using all electrical equipment. If necessary, vacate the area. Notify VUPD at 911.

Serious Gas Leak
Cease all operations. DO NOT SWITCH ON LIGHTS or ANY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. Electrical arcing can trigger an explosion! Vacate the area and notify VUPD at 911.

If smoke or odors come from the ventilation system, and it becomes necessary, cease all operations and vacate the area. Notify VUPD at 911.

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