CLEP score file decryption - Kleopatra

CLEP score file decryption - Kleopatra

CLEP(College Level Examination Program) scores are emailed to the Registrar’s main email address(registrar@valpo.edu) from the CollegeBoard. The file type will be an Open PGP Binary file, which is encrypted. We will need to decrypt the file by using Kleopatra, which is software to manage certificates/files for Open PGP certificates/files.

  1. Install Kleopatra (You will need to create an ITicket so IT can install Kleopatra on your computer)

Icon for Kleopatra
  1. Open Kleopatra by double clickling the icon.

  2. Kleopatra will ask to import a file. Click on IMPORT

  3. File path to the file needed to import is…S:\Team\adminData\Registrar\CLEP below is the correct file to import. Please select the ‘Valparaiso University Admission 2024_0x8…’ file dated 3/4/2025 11:11 AM

  4. After double-clicking on the correct file another screen will pop-up… Please select ‘No, It’s Not Mine'.

  5. After clicking ‘No, It’s Not Mine'. Another screen will pop-up. Click ‘OK’.

Now save the file received from the CollegeBoard that was emailed to the Registrar to the CLEP folder. The file path is … S:\Team\adminData\Registrar\CLEP below is an example of how it will be saved. You’ll see a lock by the encrypted file.

  1. Right click on the file ‘CLE1874.001” for example and select ‘Decrypt and Verify’. When you decrypt and verify you also need to keep Kleopatra up in the background. Another screen will pop-up asking you for a pass phrase.


The pass phrase is G0B3@con$1859. If you do not enter the pass phrase in time, you’ll receive an error message like the one below. Please repeat the process by right clicking the file again and selecting ‘Decrypt and Verify’.


  1. After entering the pass phrase and clicking ‘OK’. You have successfully decrypted the file, if you receive this message.

  2. Now please go back to the CLEP folder and a new file type of the same file should be in the folder.

  3. Please save this file as a text file by double clicking and opening it in NotePad. Click on other apps, if needed to find NotePad. Once opened in NotePad, go to File, Save As:, keep the file name and add a date. I would add a date to differ from other files. Currently, we do not receive very many CLEP scores so just adding the date is suffice. If in the future, I’d suggest saving by the name of the student so there would be no confusion.

  4. This process is finished. Now continue on with ‘Processing Credit by Examination’ to enter CLEP scores in Colleague.