Processing Recreational Gift DVDs

Processing Recreational Gift DVDs


Library Administration


Procedure for Processing Recreational Gift DVD/s (Note: Non-recreational gift DVD/s will need to be sent to the attention of the librarian for the discipline in which the DVD features.)


The following outlines the Library’s procedure for processing recreational DVDs.

Required Knowledge/Skills


Safety Issues/Precautions





1) The Library’s student assistant will receive the recreational DVD/s from the Library’s administrative assistant. Due to security concerns, no DVD/s should be left on any shelf, this includes gift processing and library liaison shelves.

2) The student assistant will perform the DVD search and then fill out the purple gift form noting the search results. The filled-in form will be taped to the front of each DVD.

3) The student assistant will then place the DVD/s in a manila envelope with the name of the library liaison for recreational films (Library Fellow) written on the outside of the envelope. The student assistant will attempt to deliver the envelope to the library liaison. If the library liaison isn’t available, the student assistant will give the envelope to one of the circulation managers who will place the envelope in the circulation office. The circulation manager will then contact the library liaison to pick up the envelope.

4) The library liaison will review the DVD/s and then send the DVD/s in the envelope to the Technical Services Librarian’s attention. The Technical Services Librarian will handle the DVD/s for cataloging through the Library’s gifts cataloging workflow or for processing out of the Library if rejected.