CCLIR Building Status Checks: Inclement Weather

CCLIR Building Status Checks: Inclement Weather


Library Administration


Overall building operations and responsibilities reside within the Dean of the Library's Office. This office has charged the Circulation Managers with primary responsibility for checking the building's daily status.  Managers conduct checks of the building's public spaces in the normal course of their workday. Weekly, one Circulation Manager conducts a specific, detailed check of the building's public spaces and of known trouble spots. During times of seasonal snow melt or high-intensity rain events, the Circulation Managers need to be able to check on locked spaces and offices, especially during times of low-occupancy by office holders. 


The following outlines the steps Circulation Managers take to conduct weekly building checks of locked spaces and offices, especially during or after inclement weather events and low-occupancy by office holders.

Required Knowledge/Skills

The building liaisons (Circulation Managers and Administrative Assistant) enter FM work orders for any building damage. 

Safety Issues/Precautions





Circulation Manager's Actions for Locked Offices and Spaces:

    • The Circulation Manager will conduct a view from the doorway and will not enter the room unless it appears to have a damage issue. 
    • The Circulation Manager will not interact with any materials or equipment unless there is an active need to do so (such as active damage being caused by water, fallen tile, etc.).
    • If concern or damage is noted, the Circulation Manager will create the appropriate FM work order as well as notifying the office holder and Library Administration (including the Dean) of the situation.