Using the Library's Shared Mobile Technology

Using the Library's Shared Mobile Technology


Library Administration


The shared pool of mobile computing technology has been established for the following purposes:
1. To help familiarize library staff with the mobile computing environment and associated technology.
2. To enable library staff to do library, university or professional work easily beyond the confines of the Christopher Center, especially reference and patron outreach.
3. To allow library staff to evaluate our current services in the mobile environment, including web pages, e-books, databases, support for distance learning, reference, instruction, etc.
4. To inspire staff to modify existing services or create new services that address patron needs in the mobile environment.


Required Knowledge/Skills

Safety Issues/Precautions



1. The equipment is only for use by permanent full-time Library Services faculty and staff.

2. The equipment must be checked out on Galileo through the main Circulation desk and returned there.

3. All standard equipment loan policies and procedures apply. The default loan period is three days but the loan can be extended upon request to accommodate needs.

4. While using the equipment for casual reading or other personal reasons is not prohibited (see 1 above), library work-related use has priority. Staff may be asked to return equipment borrowed for more than three days if their use is personal.

5. Only free apps may be downloaded. You are strongly encouraged to leave any apps you find useful or interesting on the device for others to test.

6. Staff should seek IT assistance and training as needed to use the equipment.

7. Staff may be asked to provide additional reports on their plans for and experiences with using the equipment so that Library administration can assess the value of both the mobile equipment pool and the individual devices.

Current list of equipment:

  • Snowball microphone
  • folding keyboard (for CCLIR 100A)
  • webcam
  • travel light