Library Tours

Library Tours


Library Administration


This procedure explains how to process a building tour request. The instructions are found at http://library.valpo.edu/forms/tourrequest.php*


The Christopher Center is an important building in the regional community of northwest Indiana and in the broader academic community. Many people want to see the building for various reasons. It is easier for off-campus visitors to have one initial contact person for arranging tours. That contact is the Library Administrative Assistant. The Circulation Managers, via the email moecirc@valpo.edu, will provide administrative backup as noted below.

Required Knowledge/Skills

Knowledge needed beyond this procedure is to have some awareness of the library faculty subject liaison areas. The primary skill required is the ability through conversation to accurately determine the desired nature of the tour.

Safety Issues/Precautions





Step 1: by the Library Administration Assistant: Initial contact may be either via phone or an email generated when the requestor fills out the online form, found on the Visitor’s Guide at http://libguides.valpo.edu/visitorsguide. If the initial contact is via a phone call it would be best to fill out the form while speaking with the requestor. If the initial contact is via a general contact email, replying to the requestor asking that the form be filled out would be best.
Step 2: by the Library Administration Assistant: Once the form is received, verify the nature of the request and the time requested. Check the Library Services calendar to verify that we are open http://library.valpo.edu/hours.html. Also check the general campus academic calendar http://www.valpo.edu/registrar/acadcalendars.php as we do not schedule group tours during midterms, the week prior to finals, nor finals. If the request has been made for one of those times, and the request is for a group that would not be led by the Dean or by the Associate Dean (see below), please respond to the requestor asking that they choose another time.
Step 3: by the Library Administration Assistant: Determine which category the request falls within. If it falls within categories 1 or 2, the Circulation Managers will process. If it falls within category 3, forward the information to the librarian responsible for high school instruction. If it falls within categories 4 or 5, the Library Administration Assistant will process it.
•Category 1:ASRS Demos only (often a part of visiting groups’ itinerary); don’t choose if they indicate they want a building tour also: the Circulation Managers will lead and respond within the moecirc@valpo.edu address. They will also set up and/or run the tour.
•Category 2:General tours and groups (i.e., Boy Scouts), school group tours: the Circulation Managers will lead and respond within the moecirc@valpo.edu address. They will also set up and/or run the tour (scheduling student or librarian assistance as needed).
•Category 3:High school groups wanting library instruction; this group should make requests via this form:
http://library.valpo.edu/instruct/schoolrequest.php. If "THIS" form has been used, the Library Administration Assistant will forward that information to the librarian responsible for high school instruction.
•Category 4:Subject-oriented groups or individuals (i.e., the Astronomy Club, Music Club): The Library Administration Assistant will determine the appropriate subject liaison librarian (subject groups) and forward the appropriate information.
•Category 5:Visitors from other libraries, in the field of higher education, or governmental dignitaries: The Library Administration Assistant will work with the Dean of Library Services, or the Associate Dean of Library Services if the Dean is unavailable and/or delegates the tour.
Step 4:The tour guide will then contact the requestor to confirm, to discuss alternatives, or for more details. If the tour is for a large group, we may be able to provide student tour guides if given enough notice; contact Circulation Managers for more information.
Step 5:_' The tour guide will enter the statistics (number of tours, attendees, etc.) into the_Tour Statistics Form'' found at https://intra.valpo.edu/library/

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