Returning Devices to IT

Returning Devices to IT


Library Administration


Procedure for returning devices to IT


This document describes the process IT uses when accepting and dispensing devices

Required Knowledge/Skills


Safety Issues/Precautions





Questions have been raised regarding whether or not we receive credit from IT for returning an employee’s assigned device that was purchased with Library funds. Technically, the University assigns us with funds and therefore the devices purchased belong to the University.

When a department no longer needs a device, it is returned to IT for evaluation to determine if it is still potentially useful to the University. If it is deemed useful, it will be added to an available pool of devices for reallocation on campus otherwise it will be properly recycled. The pool is open to all campus departments. A ticket needs to be placed to notify IT that we are interested in acquiring a device that matches certain specifications. IT will inform us whether or not a compatible device is available in the pool and could be assigned to one of our staff members. If there is no compatible device then approval from the dean is necessary before moving forward with a purchase.