Subject Librarian Assignments

Subject Librarian Assignments


Library faculty, Director of Access Services, Dean


To align subject librarians’ work with changes in the University’s academic departments and colleges due
to new program approval, current program/department discontinuance, department mergers, and any
related actions.


This consideration should occur in summer once the new catalogs are published and personnel are known
for the upcoming academic year. The Dean works with various library directors and library faculty to
determine the most appropriate assignments for the upcoming academic year.

Required Knowledge/Skills

● University catalogs’ “Academic Fields of Study & Programs” pages (undergraduate, graduate) for
upcoming academic year: https://www.valpo.edu/registrar/catalogs/
● Copies of the appropriate catalog entries (pdf): S:\CCLS\Librarians by Subject Area\Academic
Fields of Study & Programs\
● Previous years’ assignments: S:\CCLS\Librarians by Subject Area\

Safety Issues/Precautions





Each summer, the Dean will create a new academic year assignment sheet within the workbook using the
just previous academic year’s assignments: S:\CCLS\Librarians by Subject Area\.

The Dean will download appropriate pages from both the undergraduate and graduate catalogs that list the
academic fields of study and academic programs, saving them to S:\CCLS\Librarians by Subject
Area\Academic Fields of Study & Programs\. The Dean will add this as an agenda item to the next
possible Collection Development meeting.

The Dean will consult with library department heads and library faculty to determine the most appropriate
subject work assignments for the coming year (email and/or brief meetings). During one of the summer’s
following Collection Development meetings, the spreadsheet will be reviewed and/or discussed.

Once any changes have been finalized, the Director of Access Services will update the Subject Liaison
webpage as appropriate: https://library.valpo.edu/liaison.html.

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