Library Project Proposal

Library Project Proposal

Library Project Proposal (Turn in the completed form to Library Services’ Administrative Assistant.)

Date of proposal:

Prepared by:

Project Description:

Problem Statement(What is the issue with the current furniture, equipment or space?):

Proposed Solution (Provide justification/details for how the project will enhance the student/faculty experience.):

Include product specification/costs, shipping and receiving costs, and warranty information (Administrative Assistant will intercede if contacting the vendor is required). If possible, include high, medium and low cost products.

Submit a photo/vendor catalog page or provide url site where the furniture and/or equipment may be found.

Action Plan: Describe the way you or your group will use its strategies to meet its objectives (attach additional pages if necessary).

Dean's signature______________

This proposal was approved at User Services meeting on______
This proposal was rejected at User Services meeting on______

If rejected, why?