Gift Donation: Small Gift Drop-offs

Gift Donation: Small Gift Drop-offs




Procedure for impromptu small gift drop off 


The Library sometimes experiences small, impromptu gift donations. The following procedure will provide the library staff member with information on what to do if this should occur.

Required Knowledge/Skills

Knowledge of where the gift donations and materials are kept

Safety Issues/Precautions

Periodically, there are carts that get placed in front of the gift shelves.  Please move these to the west side in order to obtain room to shelve the gift.


Gift donation materials found in the CCLIR gift-receiving area


If it is just a couple of gifts (like 3 books or less), please do the following:

  • Have the donor complete the gift form and give them the attached gift-agreement policy for their reference and records.
  • Place the completed form in one of the gift books.
  • Place all the materials on an open gift-receiving shelf.

If the donor has a box or more of materials, you may call Detra Becker at ext 5364 to receive them. Circulation is Detra's backup when she is out. The above procedure will work in this case too. The donor's materials would then go on the floor in front of the gift-receiving shelves.