Procedure for Initiating a CCLIR Project Proposal

Procedure for Initiating a CCLIR Project Proposal

Procedure for Initiating a CCLIR Project Proposal

Internal Proposal Review Steps
1) The project initiator should submit the proposal consideration to the Library’s Administrative Assistant for the Dean’s review. A project folder for all documentation will be created in the Dean’s file.

2) If the Dean approves further review, the project initiator should schedule to present the project information at the next User Services’ meeting.

3) The project initiator will ask for a vote following discussion of the project. The vote should indicate if the project moves forward ahead as planned, if the project consideration is continued at a future meeting, or if the project should not move forward at this time. The outcome of the User Services’ vote is entered on the form and sent to the Dean.

4) If the project is approved by User Services, the Dean considers it for final approval. If the project is continued for a further meeting, the project initiator is the responsible party for revising the proposal and repeating steps 2 and 3 (above). If the project is voted to not move forward at this time, and the Dean agrees, that status will be noted in the administration file and the process ends. If the project is voted to not move forward at this time and the Dean determines that further consideration is warranted, the Dean is the responsible party for working with the project initiator in revising the proposal and repeating steps 2 and 3 (above).

5) Once the proposal has final approval by the Dean, Library Administration will follow campus procedures in working with FM, Campus Master Planning and Space Allocation Committee (CMPSAC), Academic Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC), and/or others as the project indicates.

6) Once final determinations by the campus parties has been reached, all interested project parties will be notified. If the project is approved, the Library’s Administration Assistant will move forward with specific project implementation details as indicated. If the project is not approved, the project initiator will be informed and will be the responsible party for next-step considerations.
7) Appropriate document information will be stored in the S:\CCLS\Christopher Center Building folder.

Keep in mind that campus committees have their own procedures and project proposal deadlines. You will need to check with their timeline and factor this in when preparing your proposal.

See following url for how to complete steps for a CPSA Project Proposal https://www.valpo.edu/facilities-management/campus-master-plan/cpsa-project-proposal/

If the proposal notes changes with technology, please contact Barbara Tyree (Barbara.Tyree@valpo.edu), representative for Group 5 (library), and inquire about the proposal procedure.

Guild Campus Gift Grant Timeline
The University Guild sends annual request for proposals for the Guild Campus Gift Grants (https://guild.valpo.edu/s/1347/17/page-1col.aspx?sid=1347&gid=1&pgid=2050). See the following example of their timeline:
February: Campus announcements are sent out.
March: Applications are due at the end of March.
May: Grant applicants are notified about whether their proposal was eliminated from the pool or will be included on the ballot.
July: Guild members vote on proposals through a ballot process.
August: Ballots are tallied at the Guild Teller meeting.

Library Project Proposal
(Turn in the completed form to Library Services’ Administrative Assistant.)

Date of proposal:

Prepared by:

Project Description:
Problem Statement (What is the issue with the current furniture, equipment or space?):*

Proposed Solution: (Provide justification/details for how the project will enhance the student/faculty experience.)

Include product specification/costs, shipping and receiving costs, and warranty information.
If possible, include high, medium and low cost products.
(Administrative Assistant will intercede if contacting the vendor is required)

Submit a photo/vendor catalog page or provide url site where the furniture and/or equipment may be found.
Action Plan: Describe the way you or your group will use its strategies to meet its objectives (attach additional pages if necessary).

Approved: ___________________

Patricia J. Mileham
Dean of the Library
This proposal was approved at User Services meeting on _________
This proposal was rejected at User Services meeting on __________

If rejected, why?____________________________

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