Maintaining Optimum Operational Conditions in Valparaiso University's Archives & Special Collections Room


Archives and Special Collections


Procedure for maintaining optimum operational conditions in Valparaiso University's Archives & Special Collections Room, CCLIR 301


The wide range of materials found in CCLIR Room 301 requires library staff to manage the environment at the safest level to preserve the most fragile of these materials.  The levels recommended as standards for the environment in the archives are 68 degrees and 47% relative humidity.

Required Knowledge/Skills

Access to CCLIR 301, FM contact information, computer skills

Safety Issues/Precautions

Humidity problems cause most of the alarm-activated situations in CCLIR Room 301


main humidifier, replacement canisters for the main humidifier, free-standing humidifier used for backup purposes if the main humidifier fails to operate, distilled water for free-standing humidifier


Both Library and FM staff support and monitor normal management of CCLIR Room 301.  Problem resolution for maintaining operational consistency and material preservation are as follows:

  1. FM notifies University Archives ( when an alarm has been activated in the room.  In turn, if library staff first encounter the alarm, they notify FM's operational manager and places a work order regarding the alarm being active in the room. 
  2. FM accesses the room and resolves the cause for the alarm.
  3. FM resets the wall unit in the collection room to indicate that the alarm has been reset.
  4. FM notifies University Archives ( that they have checked on the alarm, what action will be taken, or what action has been taken if the problem has been resolved.
  5. If problems remain and necessitate further action, FM will place a work order that will automatically notify the Library Administration Office and Circulation Managers.

Main humidifier and canisters

  1. FM's operational manager needs to be informed when new canisters need to be purchased.  An FM work order will also be placed.
  2. When canisters are almost gone, library staff will notify FM.

Backup for the main humidifier

  1.  If the main humidifier is not working, library staff will notify FM's operational manager and also place a work order notifying FM of the issue.
  2. The backup free-standing humidifier will then be used.  Only distilled water may be placed in the free-standing humidifier.
  3. FM will provide library staff with bottled distilled water for the free-standing humidifier.  The bottles are reusable.  
  4. Library staff will place empty bottles on a cart next to and inside the door leading into CCLIR Room 301.  Building Services will refill the bottles and bring them to CCLIR Room 301.