Testing Colleague Rules (UI form RLTD)

Testing Colleague Rules (UI form RLTD)

Use form RLTD to test a rule. RLTD will prompt you for the rule and display the form shown in the example below:



Enter “Yes” in field Use UT Debug.

Enter the year if the file is part of a file suite. (e.g. If you are testing a rule that reads the TA.2024 file, enter “2024”.)

Enter the key of the record. If the key has multiple parts, enter the parts separated by an asterisk.

Save All to test the rule.



Results of Saving of the RLTD form


For each condition in the Check Criteria Results and Messages, section, RLTD will display in the right most column of line 1 whether the condition Passed or Failed, and display in column 1 of line 2 the evaluation of the Left Expression and the in the column 2 of line 1 the evaluation of the Right Expression right expression.

If the record fails the rule, RLTD will display the Rule populate he Rule Failure Message.


If you have modified a rule, yet you don’t see your change on the RLTD form, you must “soft bounce” the application listener by executing form SBAL. Bounce the UI listener as well.