Add & Edit a Department Level Organization Template

Image of Valparaiso Uiversity and Simple Syllabus logos

For Simple Syllabus Administrators, Designers, and Editors. In Simple Syllabus, the organization is a representation of our institution’s organizational chart or hierarchy. It is completely configurable. Templates: In addition to your master syllabus template at the top level of our organization, each organizational entity can have its tailored template which will be inherited by all of its children such as colleges and departments. This article will demonstrate adding a departmental-level template.

Step-by-step guide

 Simple Syllabus (Add) Departmental Level Template

In the upper right-hand corner of any page in Simple Syllabus,

Image Click the Gear Icon

From the Admin panel,

On the upper left-hand side of the screen,

In the Details section,

Edit the Details, Roles, Curriculum Ownership, or Organization Image, make any changes,  

Simple Syllabus (Edit) Departmental Level Template

On the upper left-hand corner of the screen,

Next, edit the new Department template,



You are now in the Simple Syllabus Editor, scroll to make updates.  

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