FAQ - ExamSoft & Examplify

FAQ - ExamSoft & Examplify

What is Examsoft?

ExamSoft is the online exam platform that facilitates the experience for faculty and students with respect to test creation, delivery, and reporting. Through its proprietary exam-taking software, Examplify, secure, offline exams are made available for students creating greater standardization, decreasing instances of academic dishonesty, and providing an opportunity for many students to take tests in similar circumstances as some of the licensing and accrediting bodies require.

Who uses ExamSoft on Valpo’s campus?

At the moment, the College of Nursing and Health Professions (CONHP) and the Law School use ExamSoft.

What computer works best for ExamSoft? 

Any computer works just fine, the only type of device that will not work are the chromebooks.

How is the resource used in these areas?

The CONHP uses ExamSoft/Examplify to administer every exam for every class for every student in undergraduate nursing. At a minimum, each course uses the software four times a year. Some use it more frequently, including their course’s quizzes. There is a mix of fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, T/F, etc., questions that comprise these exams.

The Law School utilizes ExamSoft for each class for midterms and final examinations as a virtual “blue book” that students could utilize to type free response essay answers to questions instead of writing out their responses. It is the students’ choice whether they would like to use this resource.

Are ExamSoft and Examplify the same thing?

Technically, no. ExamSoft is both the company/vendor and the user interface that faculty use for account management, plus exam creation, delivery, and reporting.

Examplify is the software package through which the students download their exams to their personal device and take them. Examplify administers the exam in an offline setting, putting the students’ devices in complete lockdown, save their ability to take the exam. All other application and internet access is cut.


If I cannot reset my password on https://ui.examsoft.io/login even after selecting forgot password what do I do?


Please contact Randy Brush or Rami Musleh. They have access to see if your username is in our exam soft system.

Still need help?

Contact Examplify directly for support at 866.429.8889.

CONHP students, faculty, and staff can contact the Associate Director of Technology for assistance.

Law School students, faculty, and staff can contact the Administrator of Academic Services for assistance.