FAQ - Anti-Malware Software

FAQ - Anti-Malware Software

Got a question about software to help protect your computer against malware threats like viruses and more? We can help!


Does Valpo's network require me to install anti-malware software?

While it's not required on your personally-owned computer at this time, we strongly encourage you to install anti-malware software to protect your computer against infection.

IT does require anti-malware software on all University-owned computers, which we install before distributing computing equipment.


What's the difference between anti-virus and anti-malware software?

Malware is any software or application that is harmful to your computer's operation. Viruses are a specific type of malware; so are spyware, adware, nagware, trojans, worms, and more. Anti-malware software may protect you against a variety of these threats; anti-virus may not protect you against all the various threats out there. Contact the Help Desk for more assistance in determining the best product for your situation.

Should I install more than one anti-virus program?

NO! Installing and running more than one anti-virus program at the same time can cause conflicts and errors that make your anti-virus protection less effective, or even not effective at all.


What software should I use on my Windows computer?

Some versions of Windows come with anti-malware software, but there are many other good options available, both free and paid. Contact the Help Desk for assistance in finding the product that best suits your needs.


I use a Mac; do I really need anti-malware software?

YES! Contrary to popular belief, Macs can still get infected though the way it happens may be different. Contact the Help Desk for assistance in finding the product that best suits your needs.


Still need help?

For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.

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