How to Find a Vendor in Colleague

How to Find a Vendor in Colleague

There are several ways to find vendor information in Colleague. VENI is the most commonly used screen for locating vendor details. Users may also find vendor information within the REQM screen when creating a requisition. The following instructions outline how to select a vendor in REQM.

Step-by-step Guide

In the Vendor ID field (on the REQM main screen):

Option I

  • Type in the full name of the vendor, hit enter. Select (double click) the vendor from the pop-up list.

  • The vendor information will populate in the corresponding fields on the the REQM form.


Option II

  • Type forward slash “/” in the Vendor ID

  • Type in a partial name of the vendor and select vendor from the list field followed by the vendor’s full or partial name.

Using the forward slash command “/” in Colleague means, “sounds like”. This command will make up for spelling differences that cause discrepancies between the way you are typing the name and the way the vendor name was established in the vendor record.

If you can’t find the Vendor you are looking for, please try the forward slash “/” before the name.