Independent Contractor

Independent Contractor


What is an Independent Contractor?

Independent contractors include, but are not limited to, speakers, musicians, consultants, painters, photographers, and others. An independent contractor is any individual who is not on the University payroll and is hired to perform services on campus.

How to Hire an Independent Contractor

The University requires an Independent Contractor Agreement each time an individual is hired to provide service on campus. The agreement communicates to the individual that they are responsible for their own insurance and any medical or liability claim that may result from their work while on campus.

The hiring department will create a purchase requisition in Colleague and complete the Independent Contractor Agreement (PDF) which covers all scheduled work.  Next, the department sends the agreement to the individual whom they are hiring. The agreement can cover a series of scheduled work as long as this is described on the agreement and the requisition.

The agreement must be signed by the department, the Independent Contractor, and sent to the Procurement office before work is performed. Procurement cannot issue the purchase order or issue payment until the Independent Contractor Agreement is on file.

Step-by-step Guide to Hiring an Independent Contractor:

  1. Department plans to hire an independent contractor.

  1. Department must send out the Independent Contractor Agreement (PDF).

  1. Department must enter a purchase requisition in Colleague.

  1. Independent contractor must sign and send the agreement to the Procurement office (required before work begins).

  1. If this is the first time the individual has been hired, the Procurement office will send the New Vendor forms and a blank IRS form W-9 (PDF) to the independent contractor to complete and return. This is required to establish a vendor file in Colleague.

  1. When the Procurement office receives the required documents listed above, a purchase order will be issued and invoices may be sent to Accounts Payable in the Finance office.


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