Lookup by Savedlist
Lookup by Savedlist
Colleague allows for lookup by Savedlist rather than an individual name or ID number. This is helpful when viewing or updating multiple records at once within a Colleague Form.
This example is an illustration of updating multiple GRADUATES file records through SGRD by looking up a savedlist of students who have applied for graduation.
- Put together a list of records that you want to view or update. Usually, this comes from a column in a report. Be sure that the column contains the key for the form you want to use. (Please see Excel Function Concatenate or CONCAT to Make a Key for Colleague for more information regarding Keys in Colleague.)
Example: For looking up multiple graduation applications, you'll need the 7-digit student ID number from Colleague. - In Colleague, go to the form XSAV and create a savedlist. (Follow the link to a help article on this process to learn more.)
- As shown in the screenshot below, type a name for your list in the Savedlist Name field.
- Use the File Name STUDENTS. (You can also use PERSON or other files as needed.)
- Click on the icon next to the first row for Keys and paste the student ID numbers into the window as shown below. Remove duplicate ID numbers from the list if you only want to view each record once. (You can do this in Excel before pasting into the Savedlist Keys field.) Make sure that all ID numbers are 7 digits; add zeros to the start of the number if needed. Do not include a blank line at the end; go to the end of the list to check. If your cursor ends beneath the last ID number instead of beside it, use the backspace to clear the blank line.
- Click the Save button.
- If you have removed duplicate keys, then type "N" in the Allow Duplicates field.
- Type "Y" in the Validate and Create Savedlist field.
- Save and Update. You'll see a popup message confirming that the list has been created.
- Click the Person Search button at the top of the screen. As shown below, the Person Search button looks like an outline of the head and shoulders of a person.
- Click the Advanced button to view additional options for looking up a person's record.
- Paste the name of your new savedlist into the Shared List Name field as shown above and press Enter.
- Colleague will display the list of records in your savedlist. Use the Select All checkbox at the bottom of the list to select all of the records. This will allow you to navigate through the full list, one at a time.
- Click the Open button.
- Now return to the top of the Colleague screen and click on the Form Search button, which has the outline of a page on it.
- In the search field next to the Form Search button, enter the Colleague form that you want to view or update for each record. In this example, we're updating graduation applications, which are managed in the SGRD: Student Graduation Data form and stored in the GRADUATES file.
- In this particular file, records are specific to both the student and the academic program since students can sometimes have separate programs, such as those for degrees and certificates. You may be prompted to select an academic program to narrow your search.
- When you've finished viewing or updating the record, click the Save or Cancel button, depending on whether you made changes that need to be saved.
- Select whether you would like to Discard your entire savedlist and leave the form, move to the Previous record in the savedlist, move to the Next record in the savedlist, or Jump to a specific record (indicate the row number of the ID in your savedlist).
- If you accidentally discard your list, you can complete the Advanced Person Search by savedlist again and then Jump to the row you were working on.
- Continue to move to the Next record in your savedlist until you have finished viewing or updating all records.
, multiple selections available,
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