How to Create a Purchase Requisition in Colleague (REQM)

How to Create a Purchase Requisition in Colleague (REQM)

Goods and services may be purchased on behalf of the University via purchase order (PO). A requisition must first be created on the REQM screen in Colleague. Once the requisition is created, Procurement Services reviews the requisition, converts it to a PO and submits the PO to the vendor. The steps below detail how to create a requisition. This is typically completed by Administrative Assistants or other departmental purchasing agents.

NOTE: REQM is used to look up an existing purchase requisition or add a new one. To look up an existing requisition type in the requisition number in step 2.  

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Open Colleague and type REQM in the form search field. Click on the looking glass or hit Enter.


2. Type “A” to add a requisition and click Ok.


3. Leave the Number field blank (Colleague will auto assign a requisition number). Click Ok.


4. Click Ok again.


5. Enter information in the fields below in the recommended order. See side column for details.




Requisition Date

Defaults to today’s date. Changing the date should only be done at the request of the Procurement  or Accounts payable office.


Enter your staff ID number


2.Vendor ID

There are two ways to select a vendor from the database:

1.Type in the full name of the vendor, hit Enter, and find the vendor from the list. If more than one appear, double click the vendor you want to select. 

2.Type in the partial name of the vendor, hit Enter and select from list

If the name or address of the vendor is not in the database go to the “Comments” section near the bottom right of the screen. Detail in by clicking on the detail icon and enter the following:

  1. Vendor’s Full Legal Name

  2. Address

  3. Phone

  4. Email

DO NOT manually type in any vendor information in the “Name” or “Address” areas, leave blank. The Procurement Office will fill them in after the vendor is added to the database.

3.Ship To

Type “… “ and hit Enter to look up the building code for the building you’d like your order shipped to. Double click on the code to select it.

 4.AP Type

Type “01”


Type “VU”

6.Printed Comments

Click the detail icon and type the quote number from the Vendor (if you have one) and the Vendor’s Email address to where the purchase order should be sent. See example below:

Quote #A8734T5

Email: jane.doe@vendor.com

If you have questions about this PO, contact fred.flinstone@valpo.edu


This field is used to communicate internally with the Procurement Office. These comments DO NOT print on the PO. Examples of how t5.his field may be used:

  1. “Please Add Vendor” (include business name, address, contact person, telephone number, and email address)

  2. “Sending info through campus mail”

  3. GL Override Needed

Most of the time, this field is simply left blank


8.Line Items

Click the detail icon to access the Requisition Item Maintenance page where you will begin listing your order items.


6. Click on the detail icon for the first line to enter the first item you wish to order.


7. Enter the goods or service information in the fields highlighed below. If a vendor part is not provided, this field may be left blank. Click Save and Update.


8. You will be taken to another blank RQIM screen like the one above. If you have another item to enter, do so. If you do not, click Cancel. Click Cancel again.

9. The RQIL screen appears next. Review it to make sure the line items are correctly listed and the Req Total matches the vendor quote. Click Save and Update.


10. The REQM screen appears again. Review it for accuracy. If it is correct, enter “Y” in the requisition done field to indicate yes, it is complete. Click Save and Update.

  1. A “Number Assigned” pop-up will appear, click Ok. At this point, the requisition will be reviewed by Procurement Services who will then create a Purchase Order. They will email the Purchase Order to the vendor.

12. Enter RQSP in the Colleague search for a form field. Click the looking glass icon or hit Enter.

  1. Enter the “@” sign. This will pull up the Requisition you just created. Click Save then Update. 

14. On the next screen change the Output Device to “H” click Save then Update.

15. Select Export PDF then Create PDF to download and print the Requisition. 

16. Staple the printed requisition to the quote (if you have one) and place it in a yellow or other color coded folder labeled “REQ.” This is your trigger to check to see if a PO has been issued. When a PO has been issued, move the papers to a green or other color coded folder labeled “PO.”  

  1. How do I know if my requisition has been turned into a PO?

Log into Colleague and go to the RINQ form. Enter the requisition number and look at the PO Number field to see if the requisition has been assigned a PO number. If so, write it on your papers and move them to the PO folder.  

Advanced Details

For more in-depth information, please read the complete documentation below.

Requisition Date

Defaults to today’s date. Changing the date should only be done at the request of the Procurement or Accounts payable office.


Enter your staff ID number 

Desired Date

Leave blank

Vendor ID



Check vendor name  to verify it is the one you want


Check vendor address. Does it match the address you want to use? If not, detail in by clicking on the detail icon. Select the address you want from the list. 

Ship To

Type “… “ and hit Enter to look up the building code for the building you’d like your order shipped to. Double click on the code to select it. 


Type “VU”

AP Type

Type “01”

Printed Comments

This is what the Vendor sees. Keep it correct. It is a header on the purchase order.


Use this section to communicate with Procurement Services.


Don’t use this field. If it is a priority, contact the Procurement Office. 

Line Items


Click the detail icon to access the Requisition Item List page. 

Click the detail icon for the first line to access the Requisition Item Maintenance page where you will begin listing your order items. 


Enter details for the first item you’d like to order. There are many fields on this page. You will only enter information in the fields explained above.


Select the detail icon for the first line  to enter the first item you wish to order. Provide detail, if needed. Click Save

Est. Price

Enter the price or estimated price per item.


Enter the quantity

Unit of Issue

Optional field. This field is usually left blank. Or you may enter a unit of issue code or type “...” to view the unit of issue table. 

GL Account No

Enter the GL account number (with dashes) to be charged (more than on GL# can be entered, if you need to split the cost of something between departments). 

Fixed Asset


This field is only used for purchases that fit the definition of a fixed asset: Any item over $5000.00 with a useful life of 2 years or more, enter “S” in this field.

If the entire PO consists of a group of like items that total $5000.00 or more, enter “S” in the fixed asset field for each line item. Example of a group of like items: Components that make up a piece of equipment, or pieces of furniture (desk, table, and chair). Together the group totals $5000.00 or more.

The key to deciding whether to flag this as a fixed asset is; does the PO total more than $5000.00? Will the item(s) last for 2 or more years? If yes, mark it. When in doubt, error on the side of making it a fixed asset. It is easier to remove an item from the fixed asset list than it is to find an item that was never marked.  

Vendor Part

Type in the catalog number or vendor part number if applicable.


Do not use this field for comments. This field does not print on the PO.

Requisition Done

Y= yes, you are done. A requisition number will be assigned. This is not a PO number. The PO number is assigned after the Procurement office creates the PO.

N= no, you are not done. A requisition number will be assigned. You can use this number to look up the requisition and complete it at a later time. 

Once you have entered “Y” or “N” Click Save then Update

Number assigned, click OK


Immediately go to RQSP and enter the “@” sign. This will pull up the Requisition you just created. Click Save then Update. 

On the next screen change the Output Device to “H” click Save then Update. Select Export PDF then Create PDF to download and print the Requisition. 

Place this print out in the yellow requisition folder. 


Every day, log into Colleague and go to the RINQ page to see if your  requisition has been assigned a PO number. You can search for the requisition by entering the requisition number or by entering:

;in firstname lastname

If a PO number has been assigned, write the purchase order down on your requisition print out and move the print out to the green purchase order folder. 



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