Approve Leave in Self-Service
Hourly and Salaried employees request approval of Paid Leave (Vacation or Sick) through Self-Service. This guide outlines how to approve or reject the employee's request.
Step-by-step Guide for reviewing and approving leave requests
1. As a supervisor, you will receive an email notification that an employee has submitted a Paid Leave Request
2. To review and respond to the request, log into Self-Service
Be sure that you are logged into your Google Account BEFORE logging in to Self-Service.
3. Select the Employee menu, then the Leave Approval Menu
4. When the Leave Approval menu opens, click on the filter to set options (pictured below) to quickly view employees with pending or approved requests
5.To view the detail click the small drop-down arrow next to their name.
6. Click View on the individual request line to see the request details
7. Click Comments from either the main screen or within the detail screen to read, respond to, or add comments
8. Once you have reviewed the request, select either Approve or Reject
If you Reject the request, you will be prompted to provide a Reason
9. The request and the approved or rejected status will now show in the employee's list of Employee's Outstanding Leave Requests in both the Supervisor's and Employee's view
Supervisors of Hourly Staff
10. When the employee logs into their time card, they will see a view similar to the one below
From time to time, an employee may need to make a change to the leave they requested. They are able to do that as long as the pay period has not ended. Changes to leave requests after the pay period end date must be entered by the supervisor. Please read on for an example and more information.
In the example below, the employee requested 2 hours of sick time and only used 1.25 hours. The pay period ended before an edit could be made by the employee. Thus, the supervisor edited the timecard.
When the supervisor made the change, the term "Leave Mismatch" appeared. This simply communicates there is a mismatch between the requested/actual hours.
The "Leave Request - Sick" line displays what was requested and is informational only. In other words, it is not displaying an amount that will be paid to the employee.
The "Sick" line displays what was actually used by the employee and will be paid out to the employee.
Supervisors of Salaried Staff
To view Employee Leave Balances and Employee Leave Requests, begin at the Leave Approval card in Self-Service
You can then use Filters and the ‘Expand All’ button to view greater detail about the Leave of staff members you supervise.
With all filters cleared, just a list of employees will show
- Leave Approval with no filters, and collapsed
With just Leave Balance selected, each employee appears in their own section with balances for each leave type. The View button can be used to expand detail on the balances.
- Leave Approval, Leave Balance Expanded
With ALL filters selected, each employee appears with a section for Leave Balances, and a section for Leave Requests in all statuses
To review only Submitted Requests, selecting just Leave Request and Submitted would narrow the list down to only items requiring approval (Withdrawal Pending if applicable, also)
- Full Leave Detail for One Employee, Balances and Requests
By Proxy:
Please Note: Approval of Paid Leave may also be completed by Proxy. As a proxy user, you may need to change to the correct proxy user to be able to approve. Click on your username in the upper right hand corner, select ‘Change Proxy User’, and then select the person for whom you are acting as proxy.
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