Review your Stipend History

If your work, or part of your work, for the University is paid via Stipend you can see the activity of those payments via the Stipend History screen in Self-Service.

Step-by-step guide

Log into DataVU Self-Service using your ValpoNet username and password. This link will take you directly to the Stipend History page after login.

  1. To navigate to the page if already logged into Self-Service
    1. Select the Employee Menu, then Stipend History
  2. Each Stipend has a Start and End Date reflecting the period covered by the payment
  3. The Description provides more detail about the payment
    1. Please note that the number of payments is generally included in the description
  4. The amount listed is the amount for EACH payment, rather than the total paid (reference the number of payments in the description to calculate the total)


For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.