Catalog, Database, or Journal Functionality Problems
Department: Electronic Services, Acquisitions, Technical Services
If we lose access to a database or have other functionality problems, please do the following:
- If it is a catalog problem, send an email (or speak in person) to both Ruth and Alison, our ILS co-administrators
- If it is any other database, send an email (or speak in person) to Ruth.
- If there's a journal access problem, contact Rachel Volk.
Useful tip:
- To help determine if the problem is local to Valpo or more widespread, check the vendor's twitter presence or website to see if they've posted something about access being down, or to see if others have tweeted to the vendor about their access problems. If it's widespread, the vendor will be working on the issue, regardless of whether we contact them or not. The bigger problems are those that are local- those we need to act upon quickly.