Creating a New Journal in ValpoScholar

Creating a New Journal in ValpoScholar

Department: Electronic Services

Purpose: To give an overview of the process to set-up a new journal in ValpoScholar

Overview: This document gives the major steps/components needed in order to set-up a new journal in ValpoScholar.

Required Knowledge/Skills: Access to S:\CCLS\ValpoScholar

Responsibility: Scholarly Communication Committee (or Scholarly Communications Librarian, if the committee is dormant)

Step 1: Potential editor(s) has indicated an interest in starting a journal

Step 2: Meet with the potential editor(s) to discuss the level of interest

Step 3: Immediately notify the Dean of the Library to inquire about the possibility of a new journal

Step 4: Verify any additional fees with Bepress (as of 12/16/2019, there are no added fees associated with starting a new journal)

Step 5: If interest is high and the Dean of the library gives initial approval, give the potential editor(s) the following documentation:

Step 6: Draft MOU, while the potential editor(s) draft the Journal Set-up form

Step 7: Once the potential editor(s) submit the journal set-up form, review and submit the form to Bepress

  • Bepress will begin creating several possible website layouts

Step 8: Review layouts with the potential editor(s) and agree to a layout design

  • Bepress will then create a demonstration site (a.k.a. test site or sandbox site)

Step 8: While the test site is being built, review MOU with the potential editor(s); revise if necessary

Step 9: Once the MOU has been approved by the potential editor(s) and the Scholarly Communications Librarian, send MOUs to relevant parties for review and approval. If the journal has a VU-affiliated editor, relevant deans should sign the internal MOU. If the journal has no VU-affiliated editor, then the MOU must be reviewed and approved by the University's Contract Review process (contract.review@valpo.edu)

    • If an editor leaves the institution, but continues to affiliate with the journal, a new (external) MOU will need to be drafted and replace the old (internal) MOU. This new MOU must be reviewed and approved by the University's Contract Review process (contract.review@valpo.edu)

Step 10: Have a training session conference call with Bepress, which will use the test site

Step 11: Once the potential editor(s) have been trained, notify Bepress to launch the live website

Step 12: Once MOUs are received, file a signed copy within S:\CCLS\ValpoScholar\Administration\MOUs

Step 13: Once the live site is accessible, notify the editor(s)

Step 14 (if necessary): Complete and Submit ISSN form, if no ISSN has been assigned already

Step 15 (if necessary): Scholarly Communications Librarian (or another library representative) will upload previous issues of the journal if they exist

Step 16: Correspond and troubleshoot issues with the editor(s) as outlined in the MOU

  • Some editors will need more guidance and support than others, but most require less support with each new issue

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