Departmental Technology and Security Decision Makers
IT will maintain a listing of departmental contacts who are able to make technological and information security decisions on behalf of that department. This will allow for a single point of contact for making such decisions in a timely and consistent manner. IT will contact departments annually to re-verify decision makers.
To make changes to your department's list of local admins, a decision maker should submit an ITicket through the Help Desk.,, 219.464.5678.
"*" Previous Faculty department chair
+ designates decision maker but not local admin
^ designates local admin but not decision maker
furloughed employee
Department | Primary Decision Maker | IT Liason(s) | Additional Decision Makers & Local Admins | Date last confirmed |
Administrative Services Includes:
| Sandra Gonzalez | Sandra Gonzalez |
| 6/30/20
Admissions | Jill Schur | Amy Norrod | Carrie Palkovich | 9/19/17 |
Advancement | Marie Foster-Bruns |
| Bo McClendon ^ Jessica McFadden ^ | 12/7/23 |
| Laurel Hosmer |
| Candy Jessen Theresa Augle John Marovich ^ | 7/24/24
Biology | Rob Swanson |
| Paul Nord Patrice Bouyer ^ | 7/26/22 |
Brauer Museum | Jonathan Canning |
| 3/3/22 |
BudgetTools (and Salary Sheets) | Tamara Gingerich |
Career Center | Lori Miltenberger |
| Janet Lajcin | 7/24/18 |
Chemistry | Kevin Jantzi | Chris Iceman | Chris Iceman, | 4/8/22 |
Chief of Staff | Rebekah Arevalo |
| 3/1/21
Christ College | Jeni Prough | Sharon Dybel | Sharon Dybel Brett Calland ^ | 4/8/22 |
College of Arts and Sciences | Gregg (Bagel) Johnson |
| Shelby Topping
| 12/9/24 |
College of Business | Niclas Erhardt |
| Deb Singer Jessica Gillespie ^ | 12/7/23 |
College of Engineering | Doug Tougaw Scott Duncan (ME and BioE) | Cole Vick | Cole Vick Akram Jawdhar ^ Anne Raich ^ Bethany Luke ^ Carmine Polito ^ Craig Goehler ^ Dan Maguire ^ Dan White ^ Erik Froelich ^ Georges El-Howayek ^ Jay Grossman ^ Jeff Will ^ Jennifer Marley ^ Jesse Sestito ^ Jon Beagley Joseph Heffron ^ Luke Venstrom ^ Matthew Campbel ^ Navdeep Dhaliwal ^ Peter Krenzke ^ Peter Johnson ^ Peter Weiss ^ Reva Johnson ^ Robert Sokol ^ Ruth Wertz ^ Sami Khorbotly ^ Shahin Nudeh ^ Zuhdi Aljobeh ^ | 4/8/22 |
College of Nursing and Health Professions | Karen Allen |
| Karen Stacy Julie Koch ^ Kristen Koch ^ | 7/27/20 |
Communication and Visual Arts | Lanie Steinwart |
| Nicole Moy ^ Ron Blatz ^ Laura Krepp ^ | 8/2/21 |
Computing and Information Sciences | George Pati Nick Rosasco * |
| Saso Poposki, Aysegul Yayiml ^ Jim Caristi ^ | 4/8/22 |
Core | Lisa Jennings |
| 7/1/18 |
Counseling | Kim Boone |
| 7/27/22 |
Economics | Sedefka Beck |
| 7/25/18 |
Education | Selina Bartels |
| Ben Boche | 7/26/22 |
English | Carter Hanson * |
| Theresa Augle | 7/26/22 |
Enrollment Management | Jill Schur |
| 7/23/21 |
Facilities Management | Jason Kutch | Sandra Gonzalez | Sandra Gonzalez Annmarie Futrell (Building Services) ^ | 6/30/20 |
Finance Office | Mark Volpatti |
| Tamara Gingerich | 1/31/22 |
Financial Aid | Karen Klimczyk |
| 9/1/17 |
Foreign Languages (See "World Languages & Culture") |
General Counsel | Darron Farha |
| 1/3/20 |
Geography & Meteorology | Bharath Ganesh Babu Teresa Bals-Elsholz* |
| Kevin Goebbert, Adam Stepanek ^ | 7/26/22 |
Graduate School | Eric Johnson |
| 12/7/2022 |
Greek Life (G-Suite accounts) | Carrie Whittier |
| 9/24/21 |
Harre Union | Carrie Whittier |
| 6/21/21 | |
Health Center | Victoria Venturella Kelley Eshenaur |
| 11/14/17 |
History | Colleen Seguin |
| Theresa Augle | 7/26/22 |
Human Resource Services | Deondra Devitt |
| 3/8/18 |
Information Technology | Dave Sierkowski |
| 7/1/18 |
Institute of Liturgical Studies | Pastor James Wetzstein |
| 4/27/2023 |
Instructional Technology, Design, and Assessment (VITAL) | Lissa Yogan |
| 12/7/22 |
Integrated Marketing and Communications | Kristen Knoerzer |
| Aaron Leavitt ^ Brandon Vickery ^ Jon Hendricks ^ | 1/31/22 |
International Studies | Eric Johnson |
| 4/3/18 |
Kinesiology | David Rolling |
| Theresa Augle | 3/18/22 |
Library Services | Trisha Mileham | Ruth Connell | Shannon Howe ^ Rebecca Ostoyich ^ | 4/8/22 |
Lilly Fellows | Joseph Creech |
| Joseph Goss | 7/20/18 |
Lutheran Deaconess Association | Lisa Polito |
| Gloria Hanks | 7/25/18 |
Math & Statistics | Tiffany Kolba Zsuzsanna Szaniszlo * |
| Pat Sullivan, Karl Schmitt ^ | 10/17/18 |
Mission, Church & Ministry Includes: 1. Chapel of the Resurrection (CHA) | Brian Beckstrom |
| Elizabeth (Betsy) Searle | 8/21/2023
Multicultural Programs (OMP) | Rebekah Arevalo |
| 1/27/22 |
Music | Joseph Bognar Stacy Maugans * |
| Stacy Maugans Kristin Flodder ^ | 7/1/18 |
Parking and Transportation | Adam Klos |
| 3/1/21 |
Payroll | Tamara Gingerich |
| 9/5/17 |
Philosophy (see Theology and Philosophy) |
| 7/21/21 |
Physics & Astronomy | Andy Richter | Paul Nord | Paul Nord Adam Gibson-Even ^ | 7/26/22 |
Political Science | James Old |
| James Old | 4/3/18 |
President Includes Confucius Institute (CIVU) | Jose Padilla Rebekah Arevalo |
| 3/1/21
Procurement |
| Sandra Gonzalez | Sandra Gonzalez | 6/17/20 |
Provost - EJ Includes: 13. MLK - AVR | Eric Johnson Lissa Yogan |
| Eric Johnson (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12) Lissa Yogan (1, 2,) Angela Vidal-Rodriguez (13) Melizza Zygmunt ^
| 9/23/21 |
Psychology | Jenny Winquist Angie Vernon * |
| Carrie Miller | 7/26/22 |
Registrar | Allison Urbanczyk |
| Becky Strain, | 6/30/20 |
Residential Life | Ryan Blevins |
| 7/20/21 |
Student Life (Formerly Student Affairs) | Ryan Blevins Thad Doyle |
| 6/21/24 |
Student Mail Center | Heather Kimes-Perez |
| Kristy Smith ^ | 8/3/20 |
Socia |