Reprint Request Procedure

Reprint Request Procedure


Electronic Services


This procedure describes the process for responding to requests to reprint (“republish”), re-use, and/or re-mix ValpoScholar material in other publications.


Below are multiple steps and template languages for how to respond to requests for re-use. This procedure only pertains to requests for journal published through the library and not by other departments on campus.

Required Knowledge/Skills

The responsibility of replying to these requests is the Scholarly Communications Librarian, unless otherwise noted by the Dean of the Library.


  • All requests should be sent to contract.review@valpo.edu for General Counsel’s review. Once approval is given, please follow one of the following steps below:

  • If the requested material is “All Rights Reserved” or copyrighted without additional note for re-use, you should decline the request and refer the requester to the author. The request correspondence should be conducted via the scholar@valpo.edu email address account.

Sample text for reply:

“Thank you for your interest in [Record Title] by [Author Name]. This work is copyrighted by the author, who has claimed “All Rights Reserved” so the Christopher Center Library is unable to give permission for re-use on this particular record.

However, you may contact the author in order to request permission. The author’s contact information may be included in the record and can be accessed there. If the author’s contact information is not included in the record, we are unable to refer this request to the author at this time.


[CCLIR personnel name]”

  • If the requested material is “Some Rights Reserved” or uses a Creative Commons license, you may approve the request if the author allows for such re-use within their copyright declaration. For information for the types of exemptions allowed in Creative Commons licenses, please consult https://creativecommons.org/.

Sample text for “approval” reply:

“Thank you for your interest in [Record Title] by [Author Name]. Your request to [re-use, re-publish, re-mix] is allowed without permission, according to the author’s copyright declaration.

This email is to confirm that no permission is needed for [re-use, re-mix, re-publishing], according to the copyright declaration on file.


[CCLIR personnel name]”

Sample text for “declined” reply:

“Thank you for your interest in [Record Title] by [Author Name]. Your request to [re-use, re-publish, re-mix] is not allowed without permission, according to the author’s copyright declaration. Please contact the author to request permission for your specific use request.


[CCLIR personnel name]”

  • If the requested material lists “All Right Reserved” AND Creative Commons license, follow steps in option #2 of this procedure.

Any correspondence from either the requester or the library should be archived in a file folder accessible to the Dean of the Library, the Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the Library, and the Scholarly Communications Librarian.

The current file path for previous requests is: S:\CCLS\ValpoScholar\Administration\Reprint Requests

Revised by Jonathan Bull

December 18, 2020

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