Self-hosting e-books
Self-hosting e-books
Departments: Electronic Services and Technical Services
We don't often get new ebooks that we need to host, but it does happen occasionally.
As of January 2022, Ruth, Pat, and Detra have the admin credentials to perform this procedure.
1. Log into https://intra.valpo.edu/library/wp-admin/ with normal Valpo username and password
2. Select +New --> Media at the top.
3. Drag and drop the PDF file from the S drive.
4. Then get the URL and send it to Pat for addition to the catalog.
Here is an example of an ebook we host:
http://galileo.valpo.edu/record=b1658237~S0 (catalog record)
https://intra.valpo.edu/library/is-131-porous-asphalt-pavements-for-stormwater-management-screen/ (direct link)