Zoom Instructional Resources for Faculty

Zoom Instructional Resources for Faculty

This page serves as an archive for informative sessions conducted by the Department of Information Technology in the lead-up to the Fall 2020 semester.  Each session was recorded using Zoom, so the videos should serve as a solid example of what a session will look like in your hybrid or online courses.  If you have any questions about the features used in these sessions, please reach out to us at zoom@valpo.edu and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

The page will also contain any subsequent training materials that are created as the need is expressed from the campus community.  

LeBien 105 Sessions:

August 3, 2020 by Jacob Williams

Passcode: J6*h04Hj

August 5, 2020 by Jacob Williams

Passcode: 2ErR1D^4

August 7, 2020 by Jacob Williams

Passcode: 34*Qv#@M

Gellersen 137 Session:

August 4, 2020 by Erik Kispert

Access Password: zJ8%02B2

Below are some of the answers to questions that faculty asked during sessions.

Do Breakout Rooms record? Within a meeting

Great Question - Please see this link for more information. https://kb.iu.edu/d/arwb

Do recordings done in the same room get overwritten by future recordings? Chat docs saved separately in Blackboard?

No. Each Meeting is time stamped and considered unique. 

Chat docs are saved at the end of every meeting in .txt format.

Are private chats visible to the host? 

Do chats get wiped with Breakout Rooms?

Private messages between participants are not viewable by the host. 

Can Breakout Rooms be accessed by the host without a co-host?  Can a co-host be allocated within a meeting? Can participants within breakout rooms send a message privately to the Host?

Yes. Hosts can access any room.

Yes. Click on the participants video and make them the co-host. Co-hosts cannot create breakout room assignment

How to get a participant back into the Breakout Room

In the Breakout Room > Options > Move all participants into breakout rooms automatically

For Zoom related inquiries please email zoom@valpo.edu for further assistance.  Remember, immediate assistance can always be accessed through the Help Desk at helpdesk@valpo.edu or by phone at 219-464-5678.