How to Update Google Calendar Link in Starfish

How to Update Google Calendar Link in Starfish

Google updated its security features so Starfish calendar users will need to update their Google calendar link within Starfish. The Google enhancements were done in an effort to help prevent unintended access to a calendar when it has been shared via a secret address. In doing so, Google reset the secret address for all calendars in our domain. The steps below will guide you through the process of updating your Google link within Starfish.

Accessing Your Appointment Calendar in Starfish

1. After you log in, click on the hamburger menu on the top left of the Starfish homepage.

2. Click the downward carrot next to your name.

3. Select Appointment Preferences from the drop-down menu.

4. Scroll down to the Calendar Sync section and make your update to External Calendar Sync.

5. Follow the instructions in the next section that will walk you through the Google process.

Calendar Sharing in Google Calendar

In order for free/busy time to be imported into Starfish from your Google Calendar you must share your calendar with Starfish. To do this, complete the steps below.

1. In your Google Calendar, click on the menu to the right of the calendar you want to share.

2. From that menu, select Settings and Sharing.

3. Scroll down to the Integrate Calendar section and locate the Secret address in iCal format.

If the field does not display a URL, click RESET to generate one

4. Copy the URL and paste it in the related field in your Starfish profile, then click Submit.

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