Academic Advisor - Using Informer Reports for Student Information
Academic Advisor - Using Informer Reports for Student Information
Academic Advising requires the user to have information about the student. A quivver of reports have been created to standardize the outflow of information to make it useful. The Triggering point of these reports is the Assignment "with no end date" on the STAD form in Colleague. That data entry is managed by the Office of the Registrar at the direction of the Deans / Department Chairs for the academic units
Name of Report | Selection Criteria | Data Points | Purpose |
Advisee List CHANGES | By Advisor ID, all Advisement relationships that have STARTED or ENDED in the past 7 days. Scheduled report, runs as requested by advisor | Change Date, Username for Blackboard, Student demographics with major, minor and email contact information | |
Advisee List with Active Restrictions | By Advisor ID, all active Advisement relationships where the student has some Active Restriction / Hold on their account | Faculty name and advising type. Student Demographics, and the restriction on the student account with description and start date. | |
Advisee Report - Final Grades by Term | By Advisor ID, all active Advisement relationships where the user of the report enters a specific TERM to review final grades on all assigned students or can optionally see all final grades for all Advisee Students | Advisor ID, Type, Student name, Term, Section Name, Final Grade. CUM Gpa. and active majors. | |
ALL Advisee List | By Advisor ID, all active Advisement relationships | Student name, Start Term, Class Year, Demographics, contact information, all active majors and minors, Major Advisor and NCAA team participation | |
ALL Advisee list with Student Types and More | By Advisor ID, all active Advisement relationships | Same as ALL Advisee list, plus lists ALL advisors and the various Student Types with descriptions | |
CAS - For Student Program Saved List for BEVL ________ advisees | Selects Active Student Program records based on active student advisement records for the advisor | Student Program ID key needed to create a "SavedList" upon export to run the BEVL - Batch Student Evaluation Processes. | |
DA Block Work - Looking for MAJOR GPA | Relies on the BEVL processing, user will have to know who ran the BEVL and the date it was completed. | Returns all "Student Degree Audit Evaluations" based on the previous criteria showing only the GPA Needed and Earned for any Academic Requirement Block listed as a 'Major Requirement' | |
DA Remaining Coursework - by Advisor | Relies on the BEVL processing, user will have to know who ran the BEVL and the date it was completed. | Returns all "Student Degree Audit Evaluations" based on the previous criteria, showing Unfulfilled requirements with course requirements. This is a MESSY report because of the various levels of course requirements "Take one of Many" and "Take This". This report has proven to be useful for some department chairs who are future-casting needs for seats in upcoming sections for upcoming terms. | |
Advisee List with Active Restrictions, Accommodations and Registration Times | Uses the OLD (still used) Web Registration Group Files to select students and their advisors | Returns the advisor and students with the advising time the students have been assigned. Provides additional information about any AARC Accommodations and if the student has any active holds/restrictions that would inhibit registering for classes. | |
CAS - Current Students not yet registered for next term - By MAJOR / MINOR | Prompts for Either Major, Minor or Advisor ID; and a future TERM to exclude | returns student demographics for students meeting the selection criteria but have NOT registered for the term listed in the prompt. | |
Informer Security setup: Users will need to be assigned to these security groups in INFORMER.
College of Arts and Sciences
CAS Advisors
Core Buildings and Rooms
Core Institutions Attended
Core Person Address Relations
Student GPA Access
Student Academic Records
Dashboard users and Savedlist User ~these are both administrative setup requirements