Using the Math Corequisite Referral in Starfish

Using the Math Corequisite Referral in Starfish

In collaboration with the Math Department, we have created a referral within Starfish for the new math corequisite courses. As you know, starting this fall, several students will take MATH 110, MATH 111, and/or MATH 115 as a corequisite to different courses across many disciplines. (See the full list at the bottom of this article.) In an effort to bridge communication between the instructors of the introductory math courses and the instructors of the other corequisite courses, we developed the "Math Corequisite Referral" in Starfish.

The instructor in the partner course would submit this referral when a student is experiencing mathematical difficulties that may be preventing them from doing well in the partner course. The referral alerts the instructor of that student's introductory math course, who will then be in contact with the student. We ask that you please use this as a way to help our students receive the extra support they need to be successful.

Below we will walk you through the steps of submitting a referral (partner course) and resolving a referral (introductory math course).

Submitting a Referral (Partner Course Instructor)

1. Locate the student for whom you want to submit the referral.

There are two main ways that you can search for students in Starfish.

  • In the upper-right corner, you can use the Search for Students search bar.
    • Select your student from those that appear and their profile will open.
  • From the hamburger menu, you can select Students.
    • From the My Students tab, you can filter by Connection to the course in which your student is enrolled.
    • Click on the student's name to open their profile.

2. Once you are in the student's profile, click Referral (shown by green arrow):

3. From the Referral pop-up:

  • A. Select Math Corequisite Referral from the Referral drop-down menu. (Remember: this will only appear as an option for students concurrently enrolled in MATH 110, MATH 111, or MATH 115.)
  • B. Select your course from the Course Context drop-down menu. (BIO-151-A, in this example.)
  • C. Add a Comment. This box will prefill with "An example or list of math topics that need addressed:" You will add topics applicable to your course and student here so the math instructor knows where support is needed. ("Division and multiplication," in this example.)

4. Click Save. The referral will now alert the instructor of that student's introductory math course, who will then be in contact with the student.

Setting Notifications for Receiving a Referral (Introductory Math Course Instructor)

It will be the responsibility of the student's introductory math instructor to follow up with the referred student to discuss how they can receive additional support in math content. An email alert is sent out when the referral is submitted. The timing of when you will receive the email is dependent on how you have your notifications set up within Starfish. It could be through Summary Emails (recommend at least Daily), or immediately if "New item raised" is selected under Tracking Item Updates.

Resolving a Referral (Introductory Math Course Instructor)

Once the student has been supported, the introductory math instructor can resolve the referral to close the loop.

1. From the student's profile, select Tracking from the left menu bar.

2. Hover over the referral icon (circled in red), then click "Clear" (green arrow).

3. Select the reason for clearing the referral. You can add comments and/or send a message to the instructor who submitted the referral, letting them know the result of the referral (in this example, Prof. Scaglione Sewell).

For a list of courses with the new math corequisite, please see the link below:

MATH Corequisite Course List

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