Phi Epsilon Kappa Kinesiology National Honorary Society

Phi Epsilon Kappa Kinesiology National Honorary Society

Letter To Student

Thank you for expressing an interest in starting a chapter of Phi Epsilon Kappa (PEK) at
Valparaiso University. Attached are several files, which will provide some information
and request some information from you regarding the potential chapter.
We have found that many chapters stem from a successful majors; however, this
is not a prerequisite. The school must offer a major or minor in kinesiology, health,
physical education, recreation, dance, athletic training, sport management, allied health,
or a related field. The individual student must be a major or minor in one of the above
areas, be enrolled in school at least one semester, and must have achieved a "C";
average in all work taken. If the local chapter desires to raise these requirements, we
encourage the chapter to do so. A faculty member from the school must be willing to
accept responsibility to act as Chapter Advisor.

NOTE:   from the Department Chair 2/22/21 - VU has elected to UPGRADE the selection criteria from a "C" average to a 3.2 gpa.

 This fraternity has been dormant for a long time and we just re-established last year.  The requirements are 3.2 GPA cumulative and within the major; 60 credit minimum and 9 credits within major.

Note 2:   The Department Chair is requesting the list include Sophomores, so the criteria was further reduced for the credit minimum to 30.

Run the Informer Report:   

KIN - Phi Epsilon Kappa - PhysEd / Kinesiology Honor Society       Exporting to Excel


  1. Locate the "Repeated Courses" column.  Remove all but ONE of the courses.  For example...

    2019FASOCWNSOCW-210-AAI (Institutional)27771723
    2019FASOCWNSOCW-210-AAI (Institutional)28238853
    2019FASOCWNSOCW-210-AAI (Institutional)28856403
    2020SPSOCWNSOCW-365-AI (Institutional)
    2020SPSOCWNSOCW-210-WICAAI (Institutional)27771723
    2020SPSOCWNSOCW-210-WICAAI (Institutional)28238853
    2020SPSOCWNSOCW-210-WICAAI (Institutional)28856403

    From this sample, Rows 2&3 and Rows 6&7 would be removed to avoid double counting of that course.

  2. Subtotal the spreadsheet by Student ID and by GPA Credits
  3.  Identify all students with fewer than 9 credits achieved and remove them from the list.

To Calculate the GPA within the KIN courses, you will divide the Quality Points by the GPA CRED field

you can hid the detail and identify any students with a KIN GPA below the 3.2 valuation.  and you will remove any falling below that number.

After the final list is determined.  The students should be added to the CORM form in Colleague.

The code is HPEK  (Honorary - Phi Episilon Kappa)

Scroll to the bottom of the list and Enter the ID Number or Student Name

This will take you to the COMD screen for detail entry.

If the Date the student was added to the list, enter that date in the Start Field.  Otherwise, Enter Today's date.

The End Date will be Empty

The Status will be "AC" (Active)

Roles:  Always use "M"    

Press Save and Update.

The LIST that appears on CORM is automatically alphabetized.  So the person you just added may not appear on that page.   When you add the last one, Hit SAVE ALL

Run this informer report for historical records on the HPA members.

KIN - Historical Alumni Members of the Phi Epsilon Kappa Honorary Society

Process #6

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