Gamma Theta Upsilon - Geography Honor Society

Gamma Theta Upsilon - Geography Honor Society

Alpha Xi chapter was founded May 3, 1950.  Re-Chartered April 2020.   


Eligibility for Membership

Persons seeking membership must be initiated through an established chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon. There are two classes of membership in GTU:

Regular Member: In keeping with the Society's Specialized Scholarship classification, initiates must have completed the equivalent of three semesters of college coursework, a minimum of three courses in geography with a 3.3 GPA (on the 4.0 scale) in those courses, and rank in the top 35% of their class (a 3.3 GPA can be used as a substitute for the ranking if the institution does not calculate rankings). Please note that regular members do not have to be currently enrolled, nor must they be geography majors.

{Valpo does not offer undergrad class rankings}

Honorary Member: Honorary membership is available only under extraordinary circumstances and upon approval by the Executive Committee for a person whom the committee feels has contributed to a marked advancement in any phase of geography. A chapter may apply directly to the Executive Committee to petition for honorary membership on behalf of an individual. Please note that honorary membership is reserved for those not eligible for regular membership.

Run this Informer report:  

The last Criteria is added to make sure recent graduates are included in the selection criteria.

Export the results to excel for processing.

The Informer Report qualifies the student on Cumulative GPA and minimum credits.  The end-user needs to manage the identification of students with at least 3 Geography Courses and meeting the academic requirement in those courses.  Only VU-originated, graded courses count toward the total (labs and transfer credits do not).

Step One:   Eliminate anyone on the report with less than 3 Geography Courses in the list.  Save the Result.

After identifying the basic qualification for the students, you will need to calculate the GPA for the Geography Classes included in the Output. 

Using Excel > DATA >SubTotal

and then, Hide the Detail by clicking on the #2 box in the upper left

The result will be something like this (depending on the number of eligible students you have on the spreadsheet

  You will Add the GPA Column and using Excel formula, Divide the Quality Points by the GPA Credits.

That will result in this final result:

The Criteria stipulates that the student must have attained a 3.300 GPA in both the Cumulative AND the Geography courses completed.   

You will notice that one student failed to meet that second criteria.

The Final report with the Course Grade Details would be submitted to the Geography Chair for review and final determination of the awarding of the Honor Society credential.