TRER Screen

TRER Screen

Transfer Equivalency Report - shows all the credit by examination and transfer credit a students has on their academic record.

After you login to Colleague, type TRER in the search box.  You will then see the screen below.  Do not change or alter any of the pre-filled boxes on the screen.  

Below are the required boxes enlarged so you can see what is entered.

Enter the student ID# next to the Applicants/Students box.  You can enter one student ID# or more than one, please enter only one student ID# per line.  You do not need to enter anything else.  After the ID#(s) have been entered, CLICK <SAVE & UPDATE>

Next you will see the screen below.  You need to change the OUTPUT DEVICE to H Hold/Browse File Output.  It automatically defaults to P Printer Spooler.  Do not change anything else on this screen.  CLICK <SAVE & UPDATE>

The next screen below will appear.  Do not change anything on this screen.  Only CLICK <SAVE & UPDATE>.

After this screen you then see the TRER.  The 1st page of the TRER report will show any AP/IB/CLEP or placements tests the student could have taken. (This page may not be there for some students if they did not submit or take any AP/IB/CLEP or placement tests.)

The following page(s) will be transfer credit for the student.  Each page contains a separate institution with the course(s) taken at that institution.

That's the report.