Archiving Galileo Order Records

Archiving Galileo Order Records


Galileo, Acquisitions


This procedure explains who does what in order to archive order records and offload them from Galileo. The process begins after the fiscal close, with the goal of completion by Thanksgiving break or sooner.


Galileo has only so much space for each record type. Since there is a charge to add more space for order records, a policy was developed regarding how long we will retain order records in the system. This procedure explains exactly how we will complete the offloading and archiving process. Two types of files are saved: 1) an Excel spreadsheet with essential information for easy access, and 2) full Marc records for reloading into Sierra Data Exchange for viewing. The order information will be stored in a 9XX field. (The records can be viewed in Data Exchange without reloading them into the Sierra database.)

Required Knowledge/Skills

Policy for Archiving Order Records. Sierra User Guide, basic Sierra functions such as Create lists, Run statistical reports, E-mail printing, Deleting records of any type, etc. Authorization to use the above.

Safety Issues/Precautions



PC with Sierra and appropriate login.


1. Delete any records that can be deleted.

a. Galileo Coordinator: At beginning of fiscal year, prepare of list of order records with Retention code d. These should be records made in error. Sort by Location code. Run a statistical report against the list, looking for anomalies. Notify Acquisitions staff when list is ready for review and tell them about any anomalies.

b. Acquisitions staff: Review the list, especially records with anomalous codes. Correct the Retention code on any records you wish to retain or archive and remove them from the list. Notify the Galileo Coordinator when review is complete.

2. Prepare lists of order records for potential archiving.

a. Galileo Coordinator: Make a list of order records for potential archiving based on the written policy for archiving order records. Make a list for each library. Run a statistical report against the records on each list. Save the code report and e-mail it to Acquisition staff. Notify Acquisitions staff when the lists are ready for review and tell them about any anomalies.

b. Acquisitions staff: Review the list for your library. Consult the code report to help you identify records you may not wish to archive. Correct any codes you think necessary on records you wish to retain and remove them from the list. While you are mainly reviewing order records, pay attention to bib records for standing orders, serials or materials withdrawn. Bib records to be deleted should be coded BCode3=d. Records created as a place only to record standing order information will be coded BCode3=n and will not have a cat date. Change this to d if the record is to be deleted. Notify the Galileo Coordinator when review is complete.

c. Galileo Coordinator: Rerun statistical reports again and consult again with Acquisitions staff regarding any anomalous records.

3.Galileo Coordinator:Export list of archived records for permanent safe-keeping.

a. Once you are sure that a list is ready for archiving, sort the list in alphabetical order by title.

b. Export the list to an Excel spreadsheet. *The Sierra save export is labeled: MULTI. Order records to Archive. Fields to export are: Title, bib record number, order record number, fund, received date, vendor, and paid fields. (If there are a large number of paid fields, exclude this.) *The file will export as a text file delimited by #. You will need to open the file in Excel and go through the conversion wizards. The column headings will be off until you delete the heading cells labeled (BIBLO) and (ORDER) *Save files for both libraries to S:\CCLS\Admin\Acquisitions\Archived Order Records. The file name should begin with either CLR or LAW, followed by "Archived order records" \[year\] \[month 3 letter abbreviation\] \[day\] *E-mail the Law file to the appropriate Law acquisitions staff person.

4. Galileo Coordinator:Archive the records.

a. Capture information about the file.

*Sort the list by order record creation date to get the range of dates. Note how many records you will be deleting.

*Sort by order record number to get the range of order records.
*Sort by bib record number to get the range of bib records.

*Sort again by title to put the records back in alphabetical order.

b. Create the file to be output.

*In Sierra, go to Data Exchange. Choose the drop down menu Archive order records to be purged. Choose icon to Create file of Bib and Order records.

This will be the first Create icon (Create C). The file name should begin with either CLR or LAW, followed by "Archived order records" \[year\] \[month 3 letter abbreviation\] \[day\] . Use the drop down menu on the left to change from Range to Review and select your review file. Click start to create the file. Click close to move on to the next step.

*Highlight the file. Output the file to your desktop using "Put PC." The file will have a traffic cone icon. Transfer it to the G drive (S:/CCLS/Admin/Acquisitions/Archived Order Records)

c. Test the file.
*Remove the file from Data Exchange by using the (Delete icon).
*Reload the file from the S drive. Use the drop down menu to find the load option Load MARC Bib records from tape or FTS. Click on Get PC. Find the file on the S drive. When asked, choose the MARC suffix. Load the file.
*Make sure you can view (View icon) the records. The order information is in the 9XX fields.

d. Once you are sure all are records on the network drive, remove the file from Data Exchange using the Delete icon. This removes the file from Galileo’s disk space, but not the database.

4. Galileo Coordinator: Final database clean-up.

a. Open the character-based system and go to the system status screen. Note the number of order records in the database.
b. Delete the order records from the database. Choose the delete records icon. Make sure you choose the correct list. Delete the order records only! This assumes that the bib records to be deleted are coded as such. They will be deleted after sending them to Summon.

c. Add number of order records and date deleted to “Record Numbers and Dates” spreadsheet stored at S:\CCLS\GALILEO\Galileo record numbers by year. (Note: this spreadsheet is no longer updated except for order records.)

d. Make list of records coded for deletion and send to Summon.
e. One week later, make a list of bib records remaining within the range of bib records noted above. Run Links Maintenance against this list.

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