Pulling Use Data for Bound Periodicals or Serials


Collection Development


The purpose of the procedure is to explain how to obtain use data for bound periodicals or serials to help with collection development decisions. This procedure applies only to item records that are attached to on bibliographic record.


Use data is helpful for making Collection Development determinations.

Required Knowledge/Skills


Safety Issues/Precautions



Computer with Sierra client and internet access.


*(Note: for the illustrated version of this procedure see S:\CCLSCollection Development\Journal Lists, Reviews, Cancellations\Getting use data for items attached to one bib)

1. Find the bib record number and copy it.

a.In Sierra, the record number will be in the upper left and begin with a “b.”
b.In the public catalog, all but the last digit of the bib record number will be in persistent link URL, and will also
begin with a “b.”
c.The last digit of the bib record number will appear as a squiggle. Substitute the letter “a” for the squiggle and
the procedures will work.
d.The “S0” is not part of the bib record number.

2. Open Internet Explorer. Note: Explorer is the only web browser that will work with Web Management Reports. Cut and paste this URL into Internet Explorer: http://galileo.valpo.edu:4448/managerep/mainview/0// If you click on this link, it won't work unless Explorer is your default browser.

3. Under CIRCULATION on the left, click on the box in front of “Circ Activity.”

4. Type your Sierra/Galileo initials and password, click submit.

5. Under CIRC STATS, click the “Title” box. The menu choice will change.

6. Click on the “Submit” button at the bottom.

7. The screen may default to a list of review files, or it may show the table from the last time this function was used. If it shows the list of review files, proceed to #8 below. If it shows an older table, click on the box in front of “Remove Existing Tables.” The menu choice will change. Again, click on the in front of “Remove Existing Tables”; then click on the “Submit” button. If the screen reverts back to the introductory screen, follow the directions starting at #5 above.

8. You will be searching for only one bib record; the system will compile the circulation data for all the attached item records.

a.Paste your bib record number into the Maximum record box.
b.Delete the “b” in front of the number and replace the squiggle with an “a.”
c.Type in the previous sequential bib number in the Minimum record box. For example, if my bib record number is
1165559a the previous number in sequence will be 1165558a. (This is very counter-intuitive, but it works.)
d.Click on the “Submit Query” button at the top.

9. Wait for a few seconds. Then click on the “Status” button. If the table is ready, it will appear. If it is not ready, it won’t. Wait a few more seconds and click on the Status button again. Repeat until your table appears.

10. The first title in your table will be the one for your record.

•Items=The number of item records attached to this bibliographic record (i.e. the number of volumes).
•YTDCIRC=Checkouts since the beginning of the fiscal year.
•2YRCIRC=Checkouts last fiscal year.
•Chkout=Total checkouts since we started circulating older periodicals out of the ASRS (August 2004). For annuals
that have been housed in the general collection and always allowed to circulate, the total checkout number reflects
use since 1994.
•INTL USE=Scans for internal use—for bound periodicals on the first floor, reference books or for ASRS volume used at
the Circulation Desk.
•COPY USE=Scans when the item has been picked up in a copy machine room.
•IUSE3=Used by mistake for either INTL USE or COPY USE.
•Total (on left)=Chkout + INTL USE + COPY USE + IUSE3.
•Total (on bottom) IGNORE

11. If you make a mistake, click on the box in front of “Remove Existing Tables” on the left. Then click on it again. Then click on the “Submit” button at the bottom. Once the table is gone, you can start over again.