Interlibrary Loan New Student Aides

Interlibrary Loan New Student Aides


Interlibrary Loan


This document describes the steps needed to establish a new student assistant in the ILL Department, including how to create a new user in Illiad.


Required Knowledge:

Use of Illiad Staff Manager, access to the Interlibrary Loan Google calendar


Computer with Illiad Staff Manager, access to the ILL Google calendar


Give the new hire's application to Shannon Howe, he will contact HR. HR will email the student forms that they must complete. The student will need to go to HR in Kretzmann Hall to provide their driver's license, Social Security card (or other acceptable forms of identification) and banking information.

To share the Interlibrary Loan calendar with the new hire:

click on the 3 horizontal dots by the calendar name
choose 'Settings and Sharing'
choose 'Add People'
enter their email address and click 'Send'

Creating a new user in Illiad:

Open the Illiad Staff Manager
Choose another student assistant to copy and click on 'Copy User'
Change any desired fields in the Users Details group.
Click the 'Save' icon.
A popup box appears to set the Initial Password for the user. Enter the new password and click 'OK'.

Assign a student aide account:

apps.valpo.edu/ams/ and login with supervisor account

manage student aide accounts > Groups > ILL > make any needed changes > scroll to the bottom and submit