Ordering IFLA vouchers

Ordering IFLA vouchers


Interlibrary Loan


Some international lenders require payment via IFLA vouchers. This describes how to order them.


It is a good idea to have IFLA vouchers on hand. The procedure is found below.


When we use the last of our vouchers, more should be ordered. We can also get IFLA vouchers by requesting them from international libraries that don't use IFM. Full vouchers are worth $12 and half vouchers are worth $6. For borrowers who would normally be charged $17, charge 1.5 IFLA vouchers. We can purchase IFLA vouchers from OCLC through this link: https://www.oclc.org/en/worldshare-ill/features/ifla-vouchers.htmlWhen filling the form out, enter/select the following:
  • OCLC Symbol : IVU
  • Enter your own information on the top, but enter the Acquisitions Specialist's information in the Billing Information section.
  • Select "Add this to my monthly OCLC bill (with other OCLC products and services)".
  • Once you place your order, notify the Acquisitions Specialist that the bill has been placed and what the cost will be.
Recommended: Order 4 full vouchers and 2 half vouchers at a time


December 10, 2018 RC