Fund Code Changes and Procedural Considerations

Fund Code Changes and Procedural Considerations


Subject liaison library faculty, Acquisitions Specialist, Director of Collections & Digitization, Dean


To align library system fund codes with changes in the University’s academic departments and colleges:
new program approval, current program/department discontinuance, department mergers


This consideration should occur in late spring/early summer. Requestor must receive final approval from
the Dean and Acquisitions Specialist prior to June 23. The changes will go into effect in the upcoming
academic year. All related funding lines will be impacted: monographs, journals/periodicals, standing
orders, and databases.

Required Knowledge/Skills

● University catalogs (undergraduate, graduate) for upcoming academic year https://www.valpo.edu/registrar/catalogs/
● DataVU: Faculty: Search for Sections access
● Subject liaison listing https://library.valpo.edu/liaison.html
● Annual Library monograph allocations S:\CCLS\Collection Development\Monograph allocations\

Safety Issues/Precautions





In requesting the change, prepare an email and send it to the Dean, the Acquisitions Specialist, and the
Director of Collections & Digitization. Include in the email all of the fund codes assigned to you, noting
which ones should not change, which ones you’d like to change, and why. If you have a new code to
suggest, please share that information. If there are no changes for your areas, you do not have to send an

For monographs, you may request that funding amounts change between like-subject areas or sweep into
one or fewer codes. If you are requesting additional funding, that should be noted along with the rationale
for such action.

Once the decision is made by the Dean, you’ll be notified within the email thread. An entry will be made
in the upcoming year’s Monograph Allocations spreadsheet to memorialize the decision. Fund codes will
be noted alongside the allocations. Any fund codes that are being discontinued will continue in the ILS
for three years as they are associated with order records that remain in the system for that time as well.