Summer Student Hiring Process

Summer Student Hiring Process

Below are some clarifications regarding student hiring during the summer.

Please note that student hiring only pertains to Valparaiso University students. If the person you are hiring is not a Valparaiso University student, you will need to follow the regular staff hiring process, which includes a background check.

    • Here is a link that lists step by step instructions for the student hiring process: Student Hiring & Student Hiring Form Instructions
    • If a student has never worked on campus before, they need to complete the online onboarding with Red Carpet before they can be hired and before they can be allowed to begin working. (HR will send them the link after the form is received in perceptive)

GL Numbers:
In regards to GL numbers, the last five digits of a GL number are referred to as the "object code". The object code defines what the GL is used for. For example, GL numbers ending in 50025 are for Federal Student Work Study jobs, while GL numbers ending in 50026 are for VU College Student Work Study jobs, and GL numbers ending in 50024 denote a temp job.

During the summer, there are no Federal Student Work Study jobs (aka 50025). Students enrolled in courses at least half-time can work VU College Student Work Study jobs (aka 50026). Students not enrolled in courses at least half-time can be hired as temp students using GLs ending in 50024.

List of object codes:

  • 50011: Full time faculty salary
  • 50012: Full time staff salary
  • 50021: Part time faculty salary
  • 50022: Full time staff Hourly
  • 50023: Part time staff hourly
  • 50024: Temporary staff
  • 50025: Federal Work Study (VU students)
  • 50026: VU College Work Study (VU students)

You cannot allow any students or employees to begin working before they have been officially hired in the system.