Job Posting Request Process

Step-by-step guide

Department’s Role - The Dean/Department Head or persons assigned by the Dean/Department Head must complete a Job Posting Request Form (JPRF), the JPRF must be completely filled out.

  • PAGE 1 

    • Job Title to Post

      • List exact job title
    • Job Level

      • Choose from: Entry Level, Junior Management, Mid-Career, Management, or Executive
    • Reason for Job Opening

      • Select one: Increase in workforce, Promotion, Resignation, Retirement, Termination, or Transfer
    • Name of Employee previously in position

      • First and Last
    • Expected Start Date
      • Use  calendar box to select the anticipated start date
    • EEO-1 Job Category
      • Select One: Officials & Managers (first/mid level), Officials & Managers (executive/senior level), Professionals, Technicians, Sales, Administrative Support Workers, Craft Workers, Operatives, Laborers, or Service Workers
    • Status of Position - FTE
      • Select one: LFT, LPT, RFT, RPT, Temp
    • Salary Type
      • Hourly or Salaried
    • Salary
      • Minimum Salary
      • Maximum Salary
    • GL Budget Number for Salary
    • Submitter Email
      • To receive confirmation of posting and other correspondence
  • PAGE 2 

    • Travel
      • Select one: No travel required, up to 25%, up to 50%, up to 75%, or up to 100%
    • Is Driving required for this position
      • If driving is required, and DMV report will be conducted along with the initial background check
    • Education
      • Select level of education required
      • Select level of education preferred
    • Level of Experience Needed 
      • Choose one: Less than 1 year, 1+ to 2 years, 2+ to 5 years, 5+ to 7 years, 10+ to 15 years, or More than 15 years 

  • PAGE 3 

    • Supervisor Name & Title
      • to be listed in the job posting 
    • Job Description
      • 2-3 sentences describing the overall job
    • Major Responsibilities 
      • Must list 5-7 major job responsibilities in bulleted format
    • Knowledge & Skills 
      • What is the minimum level of knowledges and skills necessary to completely perform the job?
        • Formal Education or Equivalent
        • Type and Years of Prior Work Experience
        • Other Qualifications
        • Additional information to include in job posting (optional)

  • PAGE 4 
    • Spam Protection
      • Answer Question
    Anticipated System Access Needed
    • List any system access that may be required for this position (Colleague, Informer, etc.)
  • PAGE 5 - Review Your Entry
    • Select submit after reviewing the job posting.  

The Office of Human Resource Services’ Role

  • The Office of Human Resource Services will forward the job posting request and all corresponding forms to the Finance Department and Job Posting Committee for approval.
  • If the job posting is approved, the Office of Human Resource Services will post the job on the Valparaiso University website.
    • The job posting must be posted on the Valparaiso University website for at least a one-week period.
    • The job posting will remain posted on the Valparaiso University website until the Dean/Department Head emails the Office of Human Resource Services at and requests that the job posting be taken down.
  • If the job posting is not approved, the Office of Human Resource Services will notify the Dean/Department Head.

It is expected that all applications received during the posting period be given full consideration. No job offers shall be made while the job is posted on the Valparaiso University website.