Request an Adjunct Faculty Appointment Letter

Request an Adjunct Faculty Appointment Letter


To request an Adjunct Faculty Appointment letter through the Office of the Provost, please complete the electronic Adjunct Letter Request form. Upon completion, the form will be routed to the Office of the Provost and sent to the Dean of the academic college for approval. This approval uses Perceptive Content and a super-queue for each college. The Dean will use the stamp annotation to indicate approval (or denial), then route the document forward. After approval an appointment letter will be generated and sent to the prospective faculty member via email. Returning adjunct faculty who have taught in the most recent prior term will receive the "letter" as a signature task in Perceptive Content. 

Form Submission Deadlines

Fall Faculty Requests: July 31  |  Spring Faculty Requests: November 30 

Step-by-step Guide

This guide will assist you as you complete the Adjunct Faculty Appointment Letter Request form. Form URL: https://forms.valpo.edu/r/adjunct-appointment-letter-request 





The Faculty Information page requests data entry in the fields listed below. The required fields are noted with a red asterisk (*) here and on the form.

Below you will find helpful guidelines for data entry. 

  1. *Academic College

  2. Academic Department

  3. *Academic Year (current)

  4. *Academic Term for Appointment

  5. *Faculty Name

  6. *Email Address

  7. New Adjunct to Valpo

    1. If yes, then you will be prompted to include their off-campus mailing address and email.  

    2. If no, then you will be prompted to include the ID number and email address of the faculty member 

    3. For new adjuncts you will be required to upload their CV: If it is the first time a faculty member is teaching at Valpo or has been a number of years since they last taught a Curriculum Vitae should be included.

  8. *Mailing Address

    1. Provide the prospective faculty members mailing address for Human Resource and Payroll use.

  9. *Highest Degree Level Earned

    1. Bachelors

    2. Masters 

    3. Doctorate

    4. Juris Doctorate

  10. Degree Earned

  11. *Upload CV

  12. *Degree Qualified

    1. If the adjunct is not degree qualified then include a brief statement of their suitability for the position. 

(Degree-qualified means that the prospective faculty member holds a degree at least one level above that of the course they will teach, and in the field or closely related field of the course. If the faculty member is not degree-qualified a statement of professional qualification should be included explaining how their professional experiences have prepared them to teach at this level.)


The General Assignment page requests data entry in the fields listed below. The required fields are noted with a red asterisk (*) here and on the form.

Below you will find helpful guidelines for data entry. 

  1. *Academic Levels to be taught

  2. *Recommended Title/Rank

    1. Adjunct instructor:

    2. Adjunct Assistant Professor

    3. Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor 

    4. Adjunct Associate Professor

    5. Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor

    6. Adjunct Clinical Professor

    7. Other

  3. *Direct Supervsior Email

  4. Submitter Email


The Course Assignment (CAS) page requests data entry in the fields listed below. The required fields are noted with a red asterisk (*) here and on the form.

Below you will find helpful guidelines for data entry. 

  1. *Specific Course Assignment

  2. *Credits

  3. *Instructional Method

    1. Online

    2. In-Person

    3. Hybrid

    4. Other

  4. Salary Amount Toal for this Course

    1. Leave blank. Will be entered by the Dean’s office

  5. Salary Account #

    1. Leave blank. Will be entered by the Dean’s office

  6. Notes about salary or other items

Provide Course Information 2, 3: repeat data entry 

Review your entry. If edits are needed, use the Previous link at the bottom to return to previous pages.

If everything is correct, click Submit to auto route the form to the Office of the Provost. 

Questions about form completion may be directed to the Office of the Provost.


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