University Syllabi Folders

University Syllabi Folders


The University Syllabi folders are created as a repository for all course syllabi.

Each department chair will be responsible for the gathering and storing of course syllabi for every semester starting 2018 Summer (2018SS). 


1st tier2nd tier3rd tier

S:\University Syllabi

\Christ College

\College of Arts & Sciences



\GS & Core



\Computing and Information Sciences




\Foreign Languages

\Geography & Meteorology


\International Studies


\Mathematics & Computer Science




\Political Science


\Social Work




\College of Business

\College of Engineering

\Civil Engineering

\Elec and Comp Engineering

\General Engineering

\Mechanical Engineering

\College of Nursing

\Graduate Nursing







\Graduate Program







\School of Law

Semester Folder Naming Convention

Each bottom level folder will have a sub-folder created for each semester with the following naming convention:

  • Year Semester    Where SS=summer semester, F=fall Semester, S=spring semester
  • Example: S:\University Syllabi\CAS\ART\2018SS represents Art Department 2018 summer semester

Syllabus Naming Convention:

Syllabi saved to the repository will use the following naming convention:

The Syllabus Naming Convention will be prefix-number-section-instructorlastname.  For example, MATH-323-A-Gillman.  Some multi-section courses have a common master syllabus; on these the instructor last name can be omitted.  In any given semester, cross-listed courses will be (a) filed under the lower number of the cross-listing if they have a common syllabus and (b) filed in the departmental folder associated with the instructor of record