Faculty Application for Leave (CAS Beta Group Use Only)


The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) is beta testing the Faculty Application for Leave form to improve the current leave request process. Beginning Spring semester 2024, CAS faculty will use the form to initiate a leave request. Leave types include Sabbatical, Research, Professional Development, and Leave of Absence. Please see section 2.3.12 of the Faculty Handbook for detailed leave definitions. When the form is completed it will route automatically to the CAS Dean's office and go through a series of approval steps. Please continue reading for step-by-step instructions. These instructions apply to faculty, Department Chairs, CAS Dean's office, and the Office of the Provost.   

Step-by-step Guide 

1. CAS faculty initiates leave request by completing the Faculty Application for Leave form

2. Upon form submission:

a. faculty receives automated confirmation message

b. Department Chair receives automated notification message 

c. CAS Dean automatically receives form 

3. CAS Dean reviews the form before routing to the Office of the Provost. Machform sends a notification to the Department Chair after Dean's review.  

4. Machform emails the form to the Office of the Provost

5. Office of the Provost conducts final review

6. Final decisions communicated early in the preceding Spring semester



Column intentionally left blank. Content pending beta group feedback. 

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