View your Student Account Balance & Activity

The Student Account is updated in real-time (within 24 hours at most) as charges are incurred or payments or credits are applied. You may check your student account balance at any time via Self-Service.

Your student bill may contain charges for the following Direct Charges:

  • Tuition

  • Student Fees

  • Housing & Meal Plan

The following Indirect Charges may also be included and change your bill:

  • Bookstore charges

  • Parking pass or fines

  • Health Center charges

  • Student Health Insurance (if not waived)

Reasons your bill might change

  • Registration Changes

    • Part-time to Full-time status

    • Full time undergraduate = 12-19 credit hours

    • Graduate charges are by credit hour for most programs

  • Financial Aid Awards

    • Based on a full-time schedule, so may change with registration changes

      • Undergraduate = 12-19 credit hours

      • Graduate = 9 credit hours

    • Change to loans or other awards

    • Outside scholarship payments received.

Additional information about Student Financial Services can be found on our website.