Research Services___Gathering and Reporting Annual Statistics

Research Services___Gathering and Reporting Annual Statistics

Department: Research Services

Procedure: Gathering and Reporting Annual Statistics

Purpose: To document how we gather statistics and where we record them for official CCLS reporting

Statistics are gathered from areas of student assistant management, circulation, instruction, programming, tours, consultations, and general patron interactions (sometimes called "reference" in the reporting documentation).

Specific assignments for gathering and reporting are located in the following document: S:\CCLS\Research Services\Statistic Reporting Responsibilities.docx

Timeline: Yearly

Don't rely on a reminder email to do this work. Please note it on your calendar and set a reminder to take care of it at the same time each year.

June: If statistics are gathered yearly, and they are gathered outside of the ILS, create the new Google form (as noted below). Have the new form ready for the start of the new AY, July 1.

July: Notify Ruth if the new form is to be publicly linked and the old form removed from public access. Begin compiling the now-previous year's statistics and reporting them (as noted below).

Gathering Statistics

1. All statistics that are gathered outside of the ILS should use a Google form, following the guidelines offered in the https://wiki.valpo.edu/library/index.php/Creating_a_Public_Web_Form wiki page. Even if creating a privately shared form, much of the information on this page is useful.

2. All Google forms should be created using the shared Library Services account. The creator must be signed into the account to create the form. The creator can determine if the form should be shared, and if so, with whom.

3. Once the form is created, if it is to be linked for internal CCLS form use, let Ruth know to update the page: https://www.intra.valpo.edu/library/formlinks.php

Reporting Statistics

There are five folders in the shared drive in which our department statistics are either stored or reported:
S:\CCLS\Statistics\Marketing, Outreach, Tours
S:\CCLS\Statistics\Research Services

1. The \Circulation\ and \Research Services\ folders contain the "Annual data from Circulation" and "Annual data from Research Services" workbook compilations that Library Administration uses for the final statistical draw.

2. The \Instruction\, \Marketing, Outreach, Tours\, and \Reference\ folders contain the raw data brought in from the Google forms. All three folders each contain a "help" document. Download the Google SPECIFIC report for the appropriate year into an Excel worksheet for quick tallying. All data from these forms will be reported on the "Annual data from Research Services" workbook; each year's new data should have a new column on the master sheet (not a new sheet).
All of those Excel documents should be stored yearly in these appropriate folders so that the raw data is easily accessed as needed.

3. The "Annual data from Circulation" workbook data is compiled from the ILS system and from data gathered manually (not reported on forms: door counts, student assistant staff hours). New yearly data should have a new column on the master sheet (not a new sheet).

4. Once you have entered your data in the correct compilation workbook, as a courtesy, you could email Donna to let her know you have completed that part of the reporting.

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