How to Assign Proxy Access to Student Information for a Parent or Guest

How to Assign Proxy Access to Student Information for a Parent or Guest

Many students receive requests for their parents and other relatives to have access to their Student Data while they are enrolled.  These include access to paying a bill or reviewing grades or reviewing financial aid packages.  The FERPA regulations require that a student expressly waive their rights under those laws in order to grant that protected information.  The student can allow all access, limited access, or rescind those permissions at any time.

Step-by-step guide

  • From the DataVU menu, students click the "Allow Parent/Guest Access" link as shown below.

  • When prompted, the student will sign in using ValpoNet credentials.
  • View and edit all access that has been assigned and add a new relative if the relationship does not already appear on the form under the Select a Proxy.


      The relative is required to have an active email account.  The login instructions with username and password will be emailed to the relative directly.  

  • If the Relative does appear in the drop-down but does not have an email address in our database, the student will be prompted to add the email address.
  • If the relative does not appear on the list, the student will complete the information on the new person to be created.   
    1. If there is no matching record already in the database, Self Service will create the new record and create the proxy record and send emails to both the student and the relative.
    2. If there is a "possible match", meaning that there are some records in the database that match some parts of the name the student created.  The proxy will appear as 'Pending' and within a few days, the Registrar team will review the possible duplicate records and make a decision to create the proxy relationship.  At that point, the emails will be generated to provide the username and password.
    3. If there is a perfect match, the Self-Service will automatically create the proxy relationship and generate the emails immediately.
  • Once the Proxy person is selected, the student will be presented with the option to Allow Complete Access or Allow Select Access.  When editing an existing proxy relationship, the ability to Remove All Access is also included in the options.
  • The Current Self Service Proxy options include:
    1. Student Finance:    Payment Plan and Billing.   This will link the proxy to the NelNet Student Account system
    2. Financial Aid:  Where the student can select any or all or none of these options:   Offer Letter, My Awards, FA Outside Awards, FA Required Documents, and Satisfactory Academic Progress.
    3. Academics:   Grades.  This includes a term-by-term review of all grades, including Mid-Terms
    4. Notifications:  These are announcements and holds that may periodically be placed on a student's record
    5. Tax Information:  Including 1098T and W2 as released by the Finance Office
  • When the student selects Submit, the process will create all of the necessary login instructions and passwords needed by the Proxy Relative.  The email will be generated as the system is saving the information and a copy of the email will be sent to the student.

NOTE:  If the student makes any adjustments to the access (including removing any or all of the permissions) an email will also be generated to both the student and the proxy relative.


The response from the system if the new person information is possibly a match with an existing record in the database

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