I Can't Login


You can't login to your account on one or more Valpo.edu websites.

Check Capitalization

TIP: Mobile devices often capitalize the first letter in your username. Valpo systems are case sensitive, so make sure to hit the shift key to change capitalization. Your username should be entered in all lowercase letters.


There are several reasons you may not be able to login to your ValpoNet account. Some of the top reasons are listed below:

  1. Forgotten password (usually after a reset)
  2. Expired password (older than 185 days)
  3. Several unsuccessful logins (temporary lockout for security)
  4. No longer an active employee of the University (see the box below)

Here are some tips you can try to successfully reset or recover your password: 

  1. If you are sure that your password has expired or you have forgotten the password, reset your password.
  2. Make sure you are entering the correct username you were given when your account was setup with the Account Management System. 
  3. Check the Caps Lock key.
  4. Make sure you are using the correct password, not a previously-used password.
  5. Avoid including extra spaces.
  6. Try to login to other Valpo websites to see if it is just the problem with the website you are accessing. If your login works on one site but not the another, contact the Help Desk.
  7. Restart your web browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc). You may also want to check your web browser's help section to learn how to clear your cache, cookies, and temporary internet files.
  8. Restart your computer and try accessing the website again with your login credentials.
  9. Try a different web browser, computer, or internet connection.

If these methods don't work, contact the Help Desk. For security and privacy reasons, we cannot provide your login information without verifying your identity.

No longer employed?

If you're no longer employed by Valparaiso University, your access has likely been disabled in accordance with the Google account policy listed on General Counsel's website. Contact your supervisor to request temporary access to your accounts to retrieve data. You may also wish to refer to the article Email Messages All Gone for additional information.

Still need help?

For additional assistance, contact the IT Help Desk.